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#113 This is the Crossing The Streams You’ve Been Looking For (Bonus Ep16)

Need TV binge suggestions? You’ve come to the right place. We’ve got you covered.


Dan Zehr is an educator, Star Wars expert, podcaster, writer, entrepreneur, and host of Coffee With Kenobi. He also writes for and IGN.

In this bonus episode we discuss a few great Star Wars TV binge suggestions:

  • Mandalorian (Season 1 & 2)
  • The Book of Boba Fett
  • Rebels
  • Clone Wars
  • Bad Batch
  • Visions and more!

Each segment is pulled from a show and shared as is in all its LIVE goodness.

Full past live episodes:

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CTS Announcer 0:01

Looking for your next TV show or movie to binge? Well buckle up, grab the remote and settle into your couch for this special edition of crossing the streams. We're here to help you tune in and get the most out of those 50 monthly streaming channels you're currently paying for. So without any further ado, here's your host of crossing the streams. Jeff Dwoskin

Jeff Dwoskin 0:29

All right, everyone, it is I your host Jeff Dwoskin. Welcome to another special bonus episode of live from Detroit crossing the streams edition, where we bring you the best and TV binge watching suggestions from across the globe. This is a special special edition, what I like to call my celebrity edition. Dan Zehr is with us today you recognize Dan from some early episodes of live from Detroit. He's the host and brand director of the Star Wars podcast coffee with Kenobi he's a contributor to star and IGN. He's written Star Wars books. He's just a world renowned Star Wars expert, and I am excited to have him back on the show. We're gonna talk all Star Wars TV shows, specifically the Mandalorian and the book of Boba Fett. But then as a bonus, or rather cherry on the top, all the animated Star Wars shows you should watch that have characters that feed into those and the future live action ones as well. It's gonna be exciting. If you're like, I'm so excited. stay excited. Also remember every Wednesday we are live you can join us live for crossing the streams Wednesdays 9:30pm. Eastern time on YouTube, Twitter and Facebook. Head over to YouTube search the Jeff Dwoskin show subscribe, and you'll be notified every time we go live. All right, well get ready because this episode is coming to you from a galaxy far, far away. Ladies and gentlemen. Enjoy my conversation with all things Star Wars TV with Dan's air. Alright everyone, I'm so excited to introduce you to my guests for this special edition of crossing the streams. You love him from some of the early episodes of live from Detroit the Jeff Dwoskin show. Dan Zehr host of coffee with Kenobi one of the biggest names the biggest Star Wars podcasts and all the galaxy. Star Wars expert. Everything Star Wars I go to this man, Dan, what's up, buddy?

Dan Zehr 2:32

What's up, Jeff, great to see you brother. I was just watching recently, the Facebook video live video that we did when you and I were in London at Pinewood Studios and they were giving us our professional shaves. I remember that.

Jeff Dwoskin 2:45

I still think I remember it. We both have scrapped for this is audio but I still use. I mean, it's been years right. It's like five years but I still have the the Gillette shaving cream. Yeah, I use it today. It's like great. It's like because I only use it. And I always think Am I doing it right. Am I cutting my right, right? Yeah, it was very Yeah.

Dan Zehr 3:05

You give us a bunch of tips like see, this is it. This is the way man

Jeff Dwoskin 3:09

Dan and I met in London. Yeah. 2016 for a Rogue One event at Pinewood Studios in London. Courtesy of Gillette. I've got some fancy Gillette I got all the stuff they gave me all this swag all the the Star Wars razors in a box. I'll be rich one day I'll be rich. I can't wait. I can't wait. I so So Dan, I'm excited to talk Star Wars with you. And we're going to talk Mandalorian book a Boba Fett and then we're going to talk about all those side Star Wars shows that feed into those. So if you are needing to get your Star Wars fix on Danza, man, he's gonna kind of tell us what we need to watch to stay in tune. But first I want to ask you a question. So I saw on your feed that you and your family took your family to Galaxy's edge the big today. Your big shot you got in early Yes tell me all about this $6,000 Venture So Disney

Dan Zehr 4:08

invited me in my family to preview stars galactic star cruiser the new Star Wars resort ostensibly it's hotel it's really so much more than that. It's an immersive the way I've been describing it to people is imagine if you will a real life Choose Your Own Adventure slash Escape Rooms slash murder mystery, but it's all set in a world of Star Wars. They flew us out a couple days early. We got to enjoy the parks for a couple of days and we went on the actual collecting starcruiser for two nights and three days and had the absolute best time got to experience it about a week before it was actually open to the public. And Tony what man it was. It was quite an experience. We had the best time it felt like we're living in the world of Star Wars and my wife is not a big stars fan. But as a Disney Imagineers kept telling us this is built for Star Wars fans and for people who love people who are Star Wars fans, and it definitely checked all those boxes?

Jeff Dwoskin 5:01

Your wife is not a Star Wars fan that was how do you up at night?

Dan Zehr 5:05

No, I don't care. I mean, she loves all the cool things it's done for our family. But you know, she's she likes it that it makes me and the kids happy. You know, she gets it, she respects it, but as long as she's quoting Darth Vader, or anything anytime soon,

Jeff Dwoskin 5:19

totally caught. So Dan is like, on a scale of one to 100 would be like 110 in terms of Star Wars and Star Wars knowledge. I'm gonna sit I'm gonna put myself around 20 to 30 No, no real active fan. Real? Yeah, like I saw Star Wars for my birthday. You know, when I was seven, you know? And so like, I'm a lifelong fan. But in terms of knowing every little nuance and bet Dan is, is a world renowned expert on all things Star Wars. So last time you were here, actually, I think I can't remember if it was coming out or just maybe that we talked about the Mandalorian. Yeah. Mandalorian, which is a must see show on Disney plus, I think it's agreed. This was the first live action Star Wars Show, right?

Dan Zehr 6:04

Yes, the first live action television show.

Jeff Dwoskin 6:07

I think the Mandalorian was amazing. And my wife also not huge into Star Wars, either. She likes it. But you know, when she kind of caught wind of it, I ended up having to watch the whole thing again, because it appealed to her as well, which I think is a good sign when a show can kind of cross I remember heroes remember heroes. That was a show about you know, superheroes. A real geek out. My wife loves season one. They kind of lost her after

Dan Zehr 6:35

season one was great. And then it really went downhill quickly.

Jeff Dwoskin 6:38

Mandalorian season one and season two, I think amazing. And I think

Dan Zehr 6:44

I mean, even my wife loves season one as well. And she's again not a big star saying but she loved it. She loved grow goo. She loved you know, the excitement, because every that was what a cool thing. And I feel like Disney plus kind of revolutionized the streaming service platform content, because instead of everything dropping at once, you know, I think we talked about this before with Stranger Things drops at least previous seasons. It's great. It's exciting. And after about a week to 10 days it fizzles out, but Mandalorian had a really long burn for a couple of months, because every week was new stuff. And now other streaming services are going to that because it was so successful, and it gets people excited for a really long time. And like you said, you can bring people in who are not big fans of genre, but they want to watch it want a vision for Marvel's a great example that too then you got something really special

Jeff Dwoskin 7:27

Yes, that's a great example too and I I'm a big fan of the week by week and having a focused water cooler talk otherwise you can't discuss things that's why they kind of fizzle out. Well you're always Oh, I've finished I'm only on Episode Five I can't talk about it there's something about especially in this age now where we're all home most of the time it's like to be able to create something where we're all in pace on something I think is important thing I loved most about the Mandalorian and I'm gonna guess you're not gonna agree with this is I I love that it wasn't a Luke Skywalker story yet at the end they somebody so we got to bring them in. We got to make this about the skywalk. And I know originally was a fake out I think originally was going to be it was supposed to be a different Jedi that came and got progo. But then the big reveal that it was Luke Skywalker, I would have been happier. In my opinion, if they had just let a different actor play Luke Skywalker. They mean they did it without Han Solo. Right? Right. And just try to go through this whole this is literally Mark Hamill.

Dan Zehr 8:27

Right. You know, I don't disagree with you. But I will say I thought the special effects were great. And then we saw Luke again in the book of Boba Fett special effects were even better. And you know, I would agree like Alden Ehrenreich was a great hot young Han Solo. And I would have been more than happy to see a new actor play Luke, because that means we could have more Luke Skywalker adventures when he did that post Return of the Jedi, where he's very much growing in the force and is very, very powerful and still has a lot to learn. So you know, it didn't bother me. I love I mean, that moment was spectacular in our household in you know, when I am a teacher in my day job and when I went to school, people were freaking out there as well. And we had the best time with it. And I don't know I agree with you. I would have wouldn't have minded to see an actor but I thought they pulled off beautifully. And when you watch the behind the scenes stuff on Disney plus, isn't it staggering and just mind blowing how they're able to do this kind of technology?

Jeff Dwoskin 9:21

Oh, yeah. I mean, it's scary. The whole deal. Yeah, technology. But I agree with you. I think long term, they traded like an immediate shock value for giving up the fact that they could make with ease, do Luke Skywalker adventures and maybe even bring and bring home ever and

Dan Zehr 9:38

honestly even more as long as you can use Mark Hamill you got to use Mark Campbell. He's a treasure.

Jeff Dwoskin 9:43

And Mark Hamill could have played a different character too. And I think everyone would have read and he does write him he's got a voice and everything anyway, he's

Dan Zehr 9:49

voice his life though.

Jeff Dwoskin 9:50

I think it's their crutch that everything has to be the Luke Skywalker story though, because you have this entire galaxy where they they're too afraid to do stories. Don't somehow include that Skywalker thread.

Dan Zehr 10:04

Interesting sound find that at all? I mean, I feel like that was the reason you use Luke is because who else if there's someone is that important to grow goo? If they've got to find the best Jedi out there? Well in the timeline Luke is around so if they didn't, he would feel a little bit like they didn't quite understand their Star Wars. So I think from that perspective, they had to but they could have made it work without him because he could use the Soca or something like that, but I feel like the Mandalorian is, I would say is Eclipse Luke Skywalker because time wise, it doesn't seem possible because Luke spin routes and 77 but the Mandalorian is so popular and he sells so much merchandise, and people love him. There are plenty of students that I have who don't really care about Luke but they love din Jaren they love the Mandalorian so I feel like they've done a really good job of going away from that. I mean, Luke is the icing on the cake, but the cake is still pretty good without him.

Jeff Dwoskin 10:53

I don't disagree that it was it was cool and that by the way, you do introduce like Luke Skywalker to counter your point for one second you then create all these Oh, is that the Jedi tempo if that's a Jedi Temple then grow goo must have been killed by Kyler yesterday, right? Well, no, I'm saying like, but you start to create all these new Oh, sure scenarios are bad eggs. Well, right, because you can you can inadvertently break the timeline by just doing something it seems like an exciting fan service type thing. So the Mandalorian ends with Boba Fett Killing Season to him killing Bib Fortuna and taking over the job of the Hutt territory. What did you overall think of the book of Boba Fett?

Dan Zehr 11:35

Overall, I liked it. I didn't love it. And I think it was sort of a victim of the success of the Mandalorian which is ironic because Boba Fett inspired the Mandalorian and became more popular than Boba Fett. And then people wanted more Mandalorian than they did Boba Fett. And then when we got Boba Fett, it wasn't the Boba Fett that they necessarily were expecting. But I said this on my show expectation without regulation equals fan constipation. So you got to you got to curb your enthusiasm to sort of see where the storytellers are going to take the story that they're going to do it and you know, John fabro, and Dave Filoni, mostly Jon Favreau, Jon Favreau wrote every single episode I believe, and then he inflicted wrote one with Luke. But these guys know what they're doing. And I'm not a huge Boba Fett fan to begin with. So the fact that the Mandalorian was the main character for two of the seven episodes didn't bother me at all. I loved it. I thought it was great. And I did a thread about this on Twitter that I believe you saw, where if it's if it's truly the book of Boba Fett. And we're to believe that these are chapters, that's how they are titled than in a book, the protagonist isn't featured in every single chapter. They're just not. So it made sense. Because the Mandalorian was an important aspect of both hats three at the end of that season. So it worked for me. I mean, we've had to give the whole season the letter grade or probably give it a about an 83% B, a very low B. It's what I would give it I liked it a lot. It was very fun. But if the Mandalorian is the bar, it's not even close to that.

Jeff Dwoskin 13:01

I will agree with you on that letter grade. That felt right. That felt right. I think if you had gotten at 502 jumped all over you but 333 So I think the issue is in your right, we talked a little bit about this and Twitter DM but like, to me they set the expectations wrong, right. They started at the end of season two of Mandalorian with him doing a murder and taking over the throne job as overthrown. Right. But then the show, I'm not a fan, and this is what I don't like about the prequels and I didn't love about the Han Solo movie in general is I'm not a fan of what I call home movie movies. Some things are best left in our imaginations, right?

Dan Zehr 13:43

I agree with him. Like jaws. Jaws is powerful because you don't see him right much less Darth Vader is more.

Jeff Dwoskin 13:50

Right? Well wait, even just like there's lore Right? Like was solo. We everyone in our head understands the Kessel run right to see it. We can only disappoint. Right? Well, I'm just saying but you know what I mean? Like, or just want to say like, how Sanzo got his name? Like, like, none of these? Yeah, to like to like have to create all these dots. You know, connect. It seems like it's just like, oh, Darth Vader made see Threepio

Dan Zehr 14:14

Oh, yeah. Let's imagine is kind of do its thing. And

Jeff Dwoskin 14:19

that's what I'm saying. But then you remove the imagination once you make a literal,

Dan Zehr 14:23

right? No, I agree. I don't I don't necessarily need that either. At some stories, it's better to just leave them into art into the ether and just let us kind of speculate for the rest of our lives.

Jeff Dwoskin 14:32

So in Boca Boba Fett, I think they nailed nailed 100% exceeded my expectations of him in the sarlacc pit getting out. Okay, that that I'll say that was but that was also I own it. I don't know that you could have screwed that up. Right. I think they they I'm sure you cut up but they did that really late but it worked. Yeah, it worked right. But then it became old man in long John's back

Dan Zehr 14:57

sees all this stuff with him in the Tuscans I thought was Brilliant I wish I got more of that unless because I don't really care about the crime world of Star Wars. I liked him establishing a culture and showing that the that the Tuscan waiters were not actually savages. They were actually people who had a specific culture and a way of life, and they were just trying to live and people kept coming in and taking things from them like Native American Indians or other parts of the world to it, I found it quite prescient and really, really, really, really smart. That's one of things I've always liked about Star Wars a really good fiction is that as Mark Twain says, fiction is obliged to tell the truth you're able to tell really powerful stories about the real world through the lens of fiction because you're able to put people's guard down and possibly open up the idea to real conversation. I thought that was smart.

Jeff Dwoskin 15:40

You're brilliant I feel bad even just saying this but no, I liked those backstories but I don't think it did anything to make I enjoyed them for exactly what you said it was really cool to be able to see Tusken raiders in a new light but I think there was like multiple episodes and it didn't do anything to like build Boba Fett as like this badass

Dan Zehr 16:01

right? If anything it watered him down. Yeah,

Jeff Dwoskin 16:05

and humanize him a little too much. And you know then when you when he wasn't wearing the helmet as like the helmets what makes him Boba Fett to me like that's why the Mandalorian is so Commando. So cool. And so now, Fennec Shand is she's a badass being now when they know when you had a bad you had a you had on your show.

Dan Zehr 16:25

I did. Nice cool. Super cool.

Jeff Dwoskin 16:29

I mean, but Jesus, like even in like Agents of SHIELD. I mean, she's just a natural badass, like, agreed.

Dan Zehr 16:35

She just got a real presence about her. I feel like she was underused in this series too. though.

Jeff Dwoskin 16:40

She was like the muscle. She was like the badass part of what you would have hoped Boba Fett would have been but he kind of delegated it all to her. Like at the end when they had that Godfather The End of The Godfather scene where she kills

Dan Zehr 16:56

That's right. It reminds me of casino or something like that.

Jeff Dwoskin 17:00

I wondered where Danny Trejo went you know, like in the past that first episode where the especially when the rank car became so powerful I wonder how the twins knew that there was no rank or no Yeah, because they made a deal that they thought there was a rank or and then it was like anyway, but it's hard for me not to enjoy stuff and I love like when the fans like get upset about like those speeders? I did think immediately Oh, Power Rangers.

Dan Zehr 17:28

What were they called? Like the max or something like that? I can't remember

Jeff Dwoskin 17:33

something like because they were enhanced. Yeah. Right. Yes. I think the end to of that show is i It's interesting because it's so low they introduced I think really well because I didn't really know much about it and is the whole crime syndicate type stuff and oh, you're the Pike's and this one. It just seemed like they shouldn't have won. There's I can suspend my disbelief but then there's also 10 people fighting an entire army that right I mean, it's just like there's something about it and then killing off that one. Oh my god, what was the Clint Eastwood Vayner oh my god Why kill off the coolest? Oh I love how did they do that? Yes. So I do they do that they did that with mall I know. They brought it back later but like it's like

Dan Zehr 18:16

oh, well Cad Bane in the in the story has been around since well before the Clone Wars. So that was like 35 plus years before this event happened. So he's been around a long time.

Jeff Dwoskin 18:25

Oh, but not in in Jeff land. Yeah, like right, introduce them and then get him right off

Dan Zehr 18:30

of you like him. You should see him he's in clone a bunch of episodes of Clone Wars. He's in the bad batch. He's in a lot of stuff. He's great as the same voice after Corey Burton, who's brilliant.

Jeff Dwoskin 18:39

So alright, so speaking of Bad Batch and those wit what are the shows that we need to watch in the animated series that feed into the it's like I know like poker Catan you know? Yeah. A lot of these characters even like a Soca comes from like Clone Wars and stuff, right? What are the ones that we need to like really kind of hunker down and well

Dan Zehr 19:05

I honestly the absolute I would put it on a level with the Mandalorian is Star Wars Rebels. It's four seasons, the Four Seasons isn't as long as the other three seasons but to me Star Wars Rebels is about the peak of Star Wars excellence. As far as mythology goes, Malden it Ahsoka, isn't it. There's some great new characters that are in it for a prince Jr. Voices Kanan Jarrus, who's a Jedi he was described as a cowboy Johanna being one of my favorite characters in all of fiction, not just Star Wars. You just very very cool. He has his own real struggles. You've got I gosh, I can't think of the name of the actor but the Bendu is an is voiced by Tom. He's one. He's one of the original doctor who's can think it was named nobody. He has a lot of clout in the world of science fiction, but it's just great and it leads right up to not right up to a new hope because that's where Rogue One is but it helps build the formation. It takes place the first season takes place I believe four years before and you hope and then every season it gets closer and closer to a new hope so you see are playing come together you meet Mon Mothma you see Sagara who's from Rogue One played by Forest Whitaker you get all these really great things in it so to me rebels is is the way to go. And I think that's going to have those characters are gonna have a big impact on the upcoming Ahsoka series is coming out next year. And then there are several seasons of Clone Wars as to the last three seasons of clone wars are very, very, very strong. The first three are good, some are some episodes are better than others. But the last couple of seasons of clone wars are absolutely brilliant. And a lot of those characters were gonna have a big impact on the Disney plus stuff as well.

Jeff Dwoskin 20:44

And what is bad batch and visions so bad

Dan Zehr 20:47

batch takes place. At the end of Clone Wars, there's there are four clones that have a mutation to them where they have basically enhanced abilities like one is really really strong was really good with electronics and mechanical things. One is a really good tracker. One is a really good sharpshooter they kind of they're a little enhance abilities. And they figure out along with some other clones that order 66 There is a chip that the clones have to let to figure how to get those out. And they're sort of on the run. They're kind of like sort of like the A team in space, sort of got it. They are in an academy, they are in an authentic shape and they're in a lot of stuff. They run into a female clone named omega. And there's just a lot of cool things to happen that shows the end of Camino which is where all the clones are created and Attack of the Clones. It just basically stars it's right after the Clone Wars, and it's really really fun. It's not as good as rebels, but not too many things are as good as rebels

Jeff Dwoskin 21:44

got it. You're filling out my dance card here with all this TV. Alright, so as you're welcome there's a lot of live action coming down. Yes hype as well. So I'm very excited for Obi Wan Kenobi. Me too. Do you think that's gonna be just a one season or like just a grenade episode?

Dan Zehr 22:01

Yeah, I think it's gonna be six episodes unless they've changed it but I think it's just going to be a one season you'll be able to get Ewan McGregor as Obi Wan Kenobi Hayden Christensen is going to play Darth Vader. I mean, do I even need to go on that's a pretty great dynamic right there as well. But it takes place. They announced recently 10 years after Revenge of the Sith. So that kind of gives you the timeframe because Revenge of the Sith and A New Hope is a 19 year gap in story. So Kenobi is going to be nine years before and you hope 10 years after evangelists

Jeff Dwoskin 22:30

and I heard a quiet John quiet gone rumor. quiet guy. Oh,

Dan Zehr 22:35

I don't do rumors. Don't tell me. Yeah, don't

Jeff Dwoskin 22:37

do I don't do rumor. I don't I try to avoid all that. I just haven't I like to see. But there was a rumor that Han Solo was going to be in book a Boba Fett so that then that's it. Yeah, I

Dan Zehr 22:46

was gonna say how that worked out.

Jeff Dwoskin 22:48

And then andorre Looks pretty amazing. I andorre is like the prequel to row one.

Dan Zehr 22:56

preauthorize with kacian and or he is a fulcrum for the Rebellion. You see that a lot in Star Wars Rebels to add so yeah, it's very it's gonna be very spy heavy, I think.

Jeff Dwoskin 23:05

Then of course is Soca. That That one's probably gonna be every camp sadly cool. Yeah.

Dan Zehr 23:12

With Rosario Dawson is a Soca? Yeah,

Jeff Dwoskin 23:15

she's looking at everything and she was like an every Marvel show to their level. And then there was some that I don't like, I don't even know how to pronounce. Acolyte. I go I'll

Dan Zehr 23:25

Achill idea that. I don't know. I don't want to have anyone that that there's a there's a book series takes place a couple 100 years before the Phantom Menace where the the Jedi are in there. And all their glory in the Acolytes opposes story of the Sith kind of coming into the world of the Republic. You asked me earlier about Star Wars visions. That was eight anime episodes. They're not canonical Star Wars. They're just fun in different illustrious Japanese anime directors and creators got to play in the Star Wars sandbox in there. There's some really, really fun Star Wars in those.

Jeff Dwoskin 23:55

So that says, cool Star Wars but not to me. That's right. Not gonna prep me for the Lando series.

Dan Zehr 24:01

No, it is not, which we haven't heard anything about since that was announced. What a year and a half ago.

Jeff Dwoskin 24:07

Right. And rangers of the New Republic. Yeah, some of these may never get made anyway, right? Yeah, that's right. All right. So Mandalorian season three, which if you don't, I think they should have called the book about it to your earlier point. They should have called it the Mandalorian season three, the book of Boba Fett,

Unknown Speaker 24:25

I think, Oh, no.

Jeff Dwoskin 24:26

I think that would have made everyone happy. If it wasn't just a separate series, because it really wasn't a separate series. Like you said. Yeah. Like, I was not a third but almost a third of it was the man to lie.

Dan Zehr 24:38

Yeah. But I didn't complain. I mean, heck, they could have called it let's see spaghetti. I wouldn't have cared because I wanted to see the Mandalorian so they get to see so much time with him and grow go and see the reunion. I loved it.

Jeff Dwoskin 24:49

No, I love that. But right but that's where the disconnect comes. The best episodes of The Book of Boba Fett were Mandalay.

Dan Zehr 24:56

Because the man Lauren just a better character. You know, Boba Fett is not as bad Dynamic round characters static he's flat there's really not a ton to him so to me they got as much as they could have thought of the character the way he's created now anyway,

Jeff Dwoskin 25:09

but they could have done that it wasn't that the point that's a series that was I thought the the point that's where Fabbro I think failed and this one minor minor Lee failed at three out of 100 Yeah, fair. Right. All right. Well, that's a lot of Star Wars. That's, that's uh, that's some good stuff. And then I do want to say that I think the big winner is Bryce Howard seems to be Oh yeah, right.

Dan Zehr 25:33

Tell us how she's great.

Jeff Dwoskin 25:35

Her episode, which was a Mandalorian episode, I think yep. I was the first one with mando but crushed and but even her Mandalorian episodes cried I thought she's great like Apple does not fall far from the tree

Unknown Speaker 25:49


Jeff Dwoskin 25:50

no there's there's a pedigree there some real talent there so I there's an online thing where everyone's like she said her own movie her own trilogy blah blah blah.

Dan Zehr 25:59

Oh, yeah, that'd be fine with me.

Jeff Dwoskin 26:00

I do not disagree. All right. Well, this was fun catching up with Star Wars dad tell everyone about like your podcast real quick and your danzi website all that kind of stuff.

Dan Zehr 26:10

Sure. Thanks, man. Well, coffee with Kenobi is comes out twice a week every Monday night. Seven o'clock pm central standard time is our live show a coffee with Wk live artists go to Facebook and find coffee with Kenobi we're all over social media. If you are interested in stars I've written a couple of books for Lucasfilm one is the Star Wars book. No there is the stars character encyclopedia and then in may come in early May is a new book that I have co written with a mirror cow called Star Wars Darth Vader, I am your father lessons for parents, mentors and teachers, which is which is fun taking little things from Star Wars and trying to impart some pearls of wisdom from these fictional characters that we love so well. If you want to chat with me it's at Mr. Mr. Z HR on Twitter and then if you have a podcast or blog or want to start one you can reach out to me at Danzig And I can help you expand your brand or help you get your process started.

Jeff Dwoskin 27:04

Amazing. danzi as the man everyone so good hanging out with ya. Again as I do this now ties you are three appearances. Oh, cool. I cast so you and Jackie the joke, man. martling three appearances each.

Dan Zehr 27:20

It's like a no prize. That's good. I will take it man. I will take it.

Jeff Dwoskin 27:25

Oh wait. Oh, Billy Van Zandt spin on three times two. Sorry, there's 334. It's good company. That's good company. That's good. Yeah, I'm

Dan Zehr 27:31

honored. It's I'm always happy to chat with you, brother as I miss being able to hang out with us. Hopefully someday soon. We can do that.

Jeff Dwoskin 27:37

That would be amazing. I mean, he could have invited me to Galaxy's edge with you. But I want to take your wife that day. My wife's a little bit calmer. Totally cool. Man, thank you so much. Thank you. All right. There you go. The Ultimate Guide to Star Wars TV. I got plenty of homework, grab your moat. Settle into your favorite part of the couch, cross your own streams, and we'll see you next time.

CTS Announcer 28:05

Thanks for listening to this special edition of crossing the streams. Visit us on YouTube for full episodes and catch us live every Wednesday at 9:30pm Eastern time. Now turn this off and go watch some TV. And don't forget to tell your family y'all be busy for a while.

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