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#27 Keep That Applause Going For Bob Zany

Get ready to laugh your socks off as I sit down with legendary comedian Bob Zany to hear about his incredible journey in comedy, including working with icons like Rodney Dangerfield and his brand new Dry Bar Comedy Special!

My guest, Bob Zany, and I discuss:

  • Bob Zany, legendary comedian, talks about his career in comedy.
  • Revisiting his short time in 2011 at a gig in Kalamazoo, Michigan.
  • Discussing Bob’s time on Star Search, the Gong Show, and guest hosting the Jerry Lewis’ Labor Day Telethon.
  • Bob shares stories about working with Rodney Dangerfield.
  • His many movie roles including Joe Dirt and the Informant with Matt Damon.
  • Bob’s documentary ‘Close But No Cigar’ chronicles his first 50 years in comedy.
  • Discussion about Bob’s brand new Dry Bar Comedy Special.

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Hashtag Fun: Jeff dives into recent trends and reads some of his favorite tweets from trending hashtags. The hashtag featured in this episode is #GarageSaleSongs.

Social Media Tip: Jeff gives some fair warnings on what not to do on Instagram. 

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Announcer 0:00

Looking to sound like you know what's going on in the world social strategy, comedy and other funny stuff? Well join the club and settle in for the Jeff Dwoskin show. It's not the podcast we deserve. But the podcast we all need with your host, Jeff Dwoskin.

Jeff Dwoskin 0:19

Right, Chuck, thank you so much for that amazing introduction. You get us going each and every week, and this week is no exception. Welcome, everyone. I'm Jeff Dwoskin. And this is the Jeff Dwoskin show. Welcome to Episode 27. I'm finally over now my fear going into the water thanks to last week's episode where I talked to Carl Gottlieb and he got me kind of through all that you haven't heard that episode yet. Check it out. Episode 26 with Carl Gottlieb screenwriter of the movie Jaws

Coming up in just a little bit. I got an exciting guest for you so excited. Legendary comedian, Bob Zany is in the house. That's right, Bob Zany. It's crazy. We work together in 2011, in a small city in Michigan called Kalamazoo in a place called the rhino. And I called him up and said, Hey, Bob, it's time we got together again. Let's talk let's talk he said who? and then we got together anyway. And so this is going to be great conversation is coming up real soon.

But first, a word from our sponsor. I want to thank you personally for supporting all the past sponsors of the Jeff Dwoskin show. We can't do this without them. We can't do this without you. And your support means the world. Today's sponsor is bay-bee wipes. That's right bay-bee wipes. They're perfect for every need. You have a baby and it's got a dirty diaper and it's got a dirty tush just grab a bay-bee wipe. That's right. bay-bee wipes are perfect for wiping that dirty but you're high and you don't know how to cool off. Just grab yourself a bay-bee wipe and you could just cool off by rubbing it all over your face. Yeah, Jeff, are you saying rub a bay-bee wipe all over your face? Yeah, that's what I'm saying. They're perfect for that. You walking around the house. You see dust all over the counter. You see dust all over everything. Just grab yourself a bay-bee wipe and then you can just wipe that dust right off. Bay-bee wipes are perfect for everything. Everything. You got herbs just sitting around, you need to keep them fresh. Wrap them in a bay-bee wipe and you'll stay fresh for as long as you need them to be fresh. That's right bay-bee wipes available everywhere. You can find a baby. Oh, man. Yeah, everyone check out bay-bee wipes. Yeah, they're great. My wife and I, we have them and we use them for everything. There's a million uses for him. So definitely check them out. Support the sponsors. It's important. That's what helps us keep the lights on. Thank you very much.

And now the social media tip. Okay, today's tip, we're going to talk about Instagram. My Instagram for the show is at @JeffDwoskinShow. Yes, that's the same as the one that I use for Twitter at @JeffDwoskinShow very easy for you guys. Give us a follow if you don't follow us already. Speaking of which, a long time ago, my daughter overhauled a lot of people helping me to try and build up the account. So I had like thousands and thousands of people and somebody I was talking to is like, why do you follow so many people. And I was like, Oh, so I went into the Instagram app. And there's if you click on follows, it shows you the people that basically don't care about you for the last 90 days. So I just started unfollowing that using the Instagram app, and you can do maybe up to 500 a day. So I was trying to just kind of speed up the process of making my ratio look a little better. And all of a sudden, I started hitting these limits and like I started getting these weird pop ups. And then Instagram all of a sudden says oh, we're gonna change your password. I'm like, why? So I changed my password. And then they're like a third party app was trying to attack you. And I'm like a third party app. Now. Yes, I had looked at a third party app like eight months ago never used it wasn't using it at this point. But Instagrams like, no, you're This is bad. You're using a third party app to gain likes and followers. I'm like likes and followers. I'm on the following people using your app. And so they made it so I couldn't tag people I couldn't like people I could just post but then couldn't even comment on my own posts. I didn't go in with my personal epic my author account and then make a caption for the at Jeff Dwoskin show show posts paying the buy and they kind of limited me for weeks. I was finally set free on November 1. But I mean, they wouldn't listen to DMS they have no emails their entire health system. None of them is hey, we accuse you of something did you not do this? There's zero way to fight that so I just basically had to sit there and wait, it was so frustrating that these big accounts just no jury, you're guilty. Boom. Anyway, point is one don't use a third party app. I wasn't but don't I'm saying don't and to just be careful. Even if you using the app if you use it to the max the They're gonna get all cranky and possibly shut you down. So be careful out there. That's all I'm saying on the Instagram. And that's the social media tip.

And I want to thank everyone who has subscribed and liked and share the Jeff Dwoskin show on their social medias. It means the world to me, it really does every time you subscribe or leave a five star review. It helps other people find the podcast. So definitely get out there and share it. I do want to do a shout out to the WeBe Geeks network that has us as a part of their podcast collective thanks to them. I also want to give a shout out to the Humbly app. That's an app that I mentioned on last week's podcast. It's pretty cool app you can listen to any podcast on Apple podcasts. You choose a charity every time you listen to an episode, they make a donation to the charity of your choice. So I want to thank them for featuring us on their app. That's very cool. Check that out. That's Humbly, lots of great stuff out there. And so I'm excited to bring it to you but you know what I'm most excited to bring you I'm most excited to bring you this conversation I had with legendary comedian Bob Zany.

Alright, ladies and gentlemen, I'm so excited special guests on my show isa regular on Bob and Tom, you saw him in Joe Dirt. Ladies and gentlemen, put your hands together, for comedian Bob Zany, Bob, welcome to the show.

Bob Zany 6:24

Well, thank you, Jeff. And you became Kamala Harris here for a second started laughing at your own insincerity. Ah, I love the mitten by the way.

Jeff Dwoskin 6:36

Yes, yes, we work together in the mitten in 2011 in Kalamazoo, Michigan, at a place called the rhino. It was like just to one nighters.

Bob Zany 6:47

Okay. Oh, I know where you're talking Phil.

Jeff Dwoskin 6:51

Yeah, so yeah, Phil says

Bob Zany 6:54

that he gets to keep his club or did that fall through too?

Jeff Dwoskin 6:58

I don't know. It was one of those things where it's like I love you Jeff. And then I never heard from him again.

Bob Zany 7:03

Well, you know sometimes you have to remind them you know, comics I have this discussion and then they act like well they should remember me know they know trust when I ran for the American ran for it. I was nominated for a club comic of the year the American Comedy Awards, and I talked to the club owners and they would say they don't remember who was there last week let alone six months ago

Jeff Dwoskin 7:24

oh yeah no

Bob Zany 7:26

move on you know and let's face it you have an act is very forgettable you can use that your press kit by the way I love the curtain in the background. That's a nice touch.

Jeff Dwoskin 7:37

Yeah, it's it blocks the light

Bob Zany 7:39

it does it or is that the green room? Is that your green room? Where you going? By the way? I was just on the I just did a zoom call with CNN, Jeffrey Toobin, but he had to get off early.

Jeff Dwoskin 7:49

Yeah, I'm getting off right now.

Bob Zany 7:52

I can see the angle.

Jeff Dwoskin 7:54


Bob Zany 7:54

I learned all about this. The whole new zoom wall. I can't wait to this. This. This fad is over.

Jeff Dwoskin 7:59


Bob Zany 8:00

I want to get back to texting.

Jeff Dwoskin 8:02

I know. I don't want someone like Jeff Toobin even thinking.

Bob Zany 8:07

Because that was gonna go out. Well, you know what, it doesn't matter, does it? No. Good things happen to good people. Remember that. That's all you have to always remember. So we work together and I don't remember you. But I think it's for the best because now you can earn my respect through your podcast. Now. What's that on the wall behind you is a proclamation from the city of Westfield. From the mall people.

Jeff Dwoskin 8:35

You are seeing a picture of my Ketuba which is a Jewish marriage license.

Bob Zany 8:39

Oh man.

Jeff Dwoskin 8:40

There is some photo eight by 10 photos that I picked up at some Comic Cons. So

Bob Zany 8:46

is that a Detroit Lions yamaka cuz it's very nice.

Jeff Dwoskin 8:51

The yamaka is actually Detroit Tigers. Right? (it was actually a hat)

Bob Zany 8:55

I've been in Israel twice. So I love Have you been Israel.

Jeff Dwoskin 9:00

I've been to Israel three times. And I don't say that tough one up. You tell me about your times. Did you do comedy tours in Israel? Yeah.

Bob Zany 9:06

I did Coby for cause it's helps out the victims of terrorism the kids. And it's really great, cause but I've been all over i've you know, been the Western Wall. My favorite was when I was in Tel Aviv, don't you take away Have you been to Los Angeles?

Jeff Dwoskin 9:19

Yes. Yeah.

Bob Zany 9:21

Don't you feel like when you're in Tel Aviv seems like LA a little bit. I mean, when I was there, that's what I sense.

Jeff Dwoskin 9:26

Yeah, Tel Aviv is like a city is like a normal city. Yeah, like a New York, like, right LA. And then it doesn't have the historic vibe. Because it has no, it has no it doesn't have the same history is like Jerusalem

Bob Zany 9:39

No, not at all. But I it's interesting. There's a place called Mike's place. It's a bar for the Americans. So I went there because you know, I'm an American. I was a Cub Scout and a weed low for a week. So I go in, and this the bartender looks like a surfer from Santa Monica. I mean, he just looked like some guy I grew up with, right. So I said, Hey, man, I'm from out Lie says, I've been to Louisiana. And I just got a he gave me the postal code. You understand?

Jeff Dwoskin 10:08

I do. He wasn't wrong. He just he

Bob Zany 10:10

wasn't wrong. But who knows the postal code of Louisiana? I guess they do in Israel. But it writes great being on the show here. Bar. I do want to point out I got a dry bar comedy special. I don't know if you know about that or not. Yeah, I

Jeff Dwoskin 10:23

think I handled that. Well. I just watched it, actually.

Bob Zany 10:25

Oh, you did?

Jeff Dwoskin 10:26

Bring it up. I was gonna bring it up.

Bob Zany 10:28

Yeah, it was great. You're very low key. It's like I'm in charge of the interview. And I have to keep these things moving.

Jeff Dwoskin 10:35

I was like, Yeah, I'd like to let people talk. And you know, they don't want I don't like to jump in and stuff like that. But I was gonna bring up the dry bar special. It was really good. I watched it on the free app. Everyone should check it out. I originally saw it because I was we have a mutual friend Sam Kwasman. And oh, yeah, he will. He has it posted all over his page. So I happen to watch it.

Bob Zany 10:54

Is that why you found it though? Because I'm gonna Oh, Sammy. Now I'm gonna have to Oh, Sammy. Because his posting and helped me get you to watch it.

Jeff Dwoskin 11:03

Yes. Well, I did. I did see it from him. Yeah, he give him so his efforts to support his friend Bob Zany. He definitely helped you out. It was good. How was it? I mean, you have to be so clean there, right. I mean, they can just, I've heard stories where they the driver, especially you'll do a whole set and they just cut things out. Or they won't air it. You have to be pretty.

Bob Zany 11:23

You have to be Yeah. But say clean is such the interpretation. I you know, I can do a clean show. I did the Jerry Lewis telethon for 17 years. live, live 17 years and I co hosted and you know, people say that, can you be clean? I go, do you think I said the F word. And they had invited me back. Yes, I can be clean. But I also can be an adult too. When I want it. It's a fine. It's a fine line to walk I think

Jeff Dwoskin 11:50

definitely it is it's up to interpretation. Whoever has it. I was at the artist promenade. Everyone's like, oh, Jeff, be clean and like, then somebody will be like, you are clean. And then some people will like, not clean. Oh, I

Bob Zany 12:00

yeah, I could do a show where I'm pretty adult. And then people will come up to me and say how clean I was I got Did you see the same show? Or do you think I'm the middle act?

Jeff Dwoskin 12:10

Everyone's interpretation is different. So tell me how does the Dry Bar Comedy special it's it's newer, when did a debut

Bob Zany 12:17

it just uh, about a month ago. And now on YouTube. They're showing clips about two weeks ago, we're getting some heat on the goodwill tour where I go to the goodwill and other thrift stores and buy stuff and report back to the audience.

Jeff Dwoskin 12:28

I saw that you had some good stuff in there.

Bob Zany 12:31

And but that you know, I wrote that bit like 20 minutes because I just went and I started picking things up and then it snowballs but it's funny the comments I'm getting some people go, Well, you shouldn't make fun of people who shop at the goodwill they go digit see the bit, because I'm not I make fun of the stuff I bought at the goodwill. There's some people who should never ever be involved in comedy. And we got to really start just sending them a notice.

Jeff Dwoskin 12:55

People take everything people just their default these days is just to be offended by every light.

Bob Zany 12:59

And you know what? That's uh, you know, something I've been doing for about 25 years is my closers if I've offended anybody, how about that? Because that's not at all. I mean, there's no there's no way around anything. You know, people will be offended by what they're offended. So I say make a list so I can do a shorter show.

Jeff Dwoskin 13:18

But that's how you started your show. They told me to be clean and this Yeah, there you go. Thank you very much. Can I

Bob Zany 13:23

you know that that's my corporate opener. The first time I ever did that I actually was asked to perform at a 40 year anniversary of a temple in Encino, California. And the guy that hired me is a goy right. But so I go to the temple and he's wearing this yarmulke and I said, Well, why you're in a yarmulke? I thought you weren't Jewish. He said, Oh, it shows respect in the template. So well, should I wear one he said now. And I started running jokes by him. And each joke he went Nah, you shouldn't do that. No, no, don't do that one. You shouldn't do that one at all. Then finally says just go out there and have fun. And that's when I wrote that bit. Because that right there. It kind of alleviates everyone's fears or whatever and they go How ridiculous the whole thing is. I mean, yes, you can go too far, but I chose I choose not to.

Jeff Dwoskin 14:11

No, it's good. It's Yeah, people are just too sensitive, too sensitive. I I did a clean show once and it was like it was for this corporate thing at some hotel. I think most people were almost dead. I mean, that's how old they were. It was like 20 minutes to clean material. And then I go and do I go to mark Ridley's comedy castle. Have you played Mark Ridley's comedy castle. Oh,

Bob Zany 14:29

yeah. I actually hosted a show Comcast comedy spotlight. We did about five or six episodes from there back in the early 2000s. Awesome. I've done a couple things, Jeff, but go ahead.

Jeff Dwoskin 14:40

Tell me you can I know your legendary comedian Bob Zany. So we I do they walk in and it's like a church group and they're like, Oh, you got to be clean, super clean. I'm like, okay, I just did a clean set. I'll do it. No problem to do the clean set. I walked into the bar afterwards. This woman walks up and goes, Oh my god, Jeff. It was like one of the 20 people that was at the corporate show saw me twice. And this is the exact so she saw twice things. I'm like the cleanest comedian ever. And like it's just not even. It's not even about who you are. It's not who I am. But she just happened to randomly Be it only those two shows.

Bob Zany 15:11

But the only thing people can ever really believe is what they see in front of them at that very moment. They don't believe it's kind of like this political season when people are going back and forth, or what they said in the past. And you tell somebody who's never heard it, I don't believe you. And then you show the tape. You go, Oh, they only believe what's now they don't really believe what's there or what's in the future. So you're a clean comedian. Gotcha. Face it.

Jeff Dwoskin 15:32

That's who I am. Wait. So did you were direct with Jerry Lewis? I did. Yes.

Bob Zany 15:37

Yeah. Jerry. Well, the reason I it's interesting and 19 I think 93. Bud Freeman at the improv had 10 comics come out to the improv and tape an hour segment that they were going to show on the overnights. And Jerry Lewis was actually was there the host, so I went in, I did my thing and whatever. So the next year during the tell, I think it was like two days before the telethon the talent coordinator, Eddie Floyd, the third. I don't know if you ever heard of Eddie Foy and the seven little boys. They are famous came back into way, way way either. I had to look them up, okay. That's how long ago it was. He calls me I'm in Hawaii with my beautiful wife are performing and have been night off. He says, Can you come and do the telethon will fly you there, and then fly you back. And I had I was able to fly there. I did the telephone in studio with Jerry and Ed. And then I flew back and then after that they said, you know, at least led to co hosting and everything else. So I just did a public service announcement and Kevin Hart's gonna be doing telephone, I guess a virtual one. So I'm part of a part of that.

Jeff Dwoskin 16:39

That's cool. Yeah, I did. I did just see that something on TikTok. There was some TikTok thing talking About Kevin Hart and the MDA

Bob Zany 16:45

I'm still trying to get past Tic Tac so I am not on TikTok just yet.

Jeff Dwoskin 16:49

Well, you should go. And you should use any report.

Bob Zany 16:52

Time. I'm so exhausted by all the mediums. You know, I got podcast. I have everything. And it's like, there's a point where you go, what do I promote? How about this? I have my own store. There. I just listed these wacky packages. Remember these stickers?

Jeff Dwoskin 17:08

Yes. Oh, yeah.

Bob Zany 17:10

I had all those. That's from the 70s I have a like all of them down here. But I'm just putting some test ones out to see if anyone's interested. So go to I just put it up by and say you saw me on the Jeff podcast and guess what? I'm

Jeff Dwoskin 17:22

gonna do nothing.

Bob Zany 17:26

Except you you know, how about you do a special bid form? Not too low because I pay shipping. And then I'll know what you okay. message. They can send me a message by the way. I have I have a I have the informant the movie that I play Matt Damon's attorney and I have this script from that I'm selling along with DVD so people can actually read the script and see what made it in the movie and what didn't.

Jeff Dwoskin 17:48

Did you sign the script?

Bob Zany 17:50

Yes, of course. I signed it. I sometimes I never assume that when I'm selling merchandise after a show. You know? I'll just sell them something so Aren't you gonna sign it? And I go I you know if you want me to, that's fine. Yeah, I don't assume because then it becomes embarrassing when they say No, don't.

Jeff Dwoskin 18:05

Did Matt Damon sign it?

Bob Zany 18:07

No, Matt didn't sign up.

Jeff Dwoskin 18:09

For the informant. Which one is that? Is that the one where he goes to Mars?

Bob Zany 18:13

No. Yeah, he does. And him and I I'm the one I got him the potatoes that he dips in the valley in the vikatan. No, he it's the one is it's a story about Archer Daniels Madeline. The price fixing controversy. And he plays this guy who works for the company who thinks he's doing a good thing by whistleblowing. While he isn't and it's a great movie a lot of comedians in there a lot of stand ups. I some of the I did a scene with Tommy smothers, Rick Overton, Tom Papa, some of the you know some of the great that's a hell of a crew. Now there's a lot of great stand ups in that Tom Wilson's in it. He's a friend of mine from Back to the Future played Biff. Yeah,

Jeff Dwoskin 18:51

I worked with Biff. I just posted a picture meet him on my Instagram.

Bob Zany 18:54

He's a good guy.

Jeff Dwoskin 18:55

It was a nice to you. He was so nice to me. Yeah,

Bob Zany 18:58

it has to be because he played a bully. You know when I met Don Rickles, I've met Rickles twice. He was so Todd Glass and I you know who Todd Glass is?

Jeff Dwoskin 19:05

yes, Todd Glass

Bob Zany 19:06

Okay, this is like early 19 9091. We were working at the Riviera in Las Vegas and Don Rickles is downtown at the golden nugget. I know his manager. So I set it up to go see him. Do a show with Todd and then go backstage to meet him. And Todd was so insecure, we're walking to the back of the room to meet records and he Todd turns to me says well if this doesn't work out, Bob, I know someone else we can set this talk. We're walking to the back of the room. So anyway, we got a great photo. I actually sold that along with a hockey puck from Western Michigan. I got on the road once at my Mecari site.

Jeff Dwoskin 19:41

Nice, but

Bob Zany 19:42

it should there should be it somewhere there.

Jeff Dwoskin 19:44

Yeah, Don Rickles, I was talking to Billy Van Zandt, and he worked with him on a show and he said that Don Rickles is great.

Bob Zany 19:51

It's because he's on stage and he's like, he can get all that out. You know what I mean? And, you know, this really dates me but back in the early late I was doing roas at the Friars Club in Beverly Hills and I got to work with Milton Berle and Red Buttons. And those guys were filthy offstage because they're from the school where they couldn't be filthy onstage. If that makes any sense.

Jeff Dwoskin 20:14

Yeah, absolutely rubbed elbows with many, many people.

Bob Zany 20:17

You know, I it's I got to work with Rodney Dangerfield for two years I worked for him. I booked his clubs in Vegas and in Beverly Hills, but also I did his HBO special and then with Jerry Lewis, I got that connection. So you know, I've been I always tell young comics starting I say, just hang out with the really good ones. You'll learn something. Don't hang out with the bad ones who are bitter and think they should be headlining.

Jeff Dwoskin 20:40

I should be headlining (laughs)

Bob Zany 20:44

get that I bet you came up to me and said you know, I usually headline and I always like to say I usually open for that you get screwed on this one.

Jeff Dwoskin 20:52

No, I never said that. I always thought those people were douchebags even coming up. I had the sense it was always embarrassing when the feature would say that to the headliner, because the headliner be like Dude, just be happy you have a job

Bob Zany 21:03

And you know what you're not. If you're in a comedy club, you're not really a headliner, Cher and elton john here in Vegas, they're headliners. Okay, you just happen to be at the club

Jeff Dwoskin 21:13

closing the show. Exactly. Exactly. What So tell me a story about Rodney Dangerfield. What was he? Like?

Bob Zany 21:18

You know, he was a complicated man. Okay, but he was a good guy. He was very good to me. I learned a lot from him. Well, there's a, there's a few stories. My favorite was, we had gone to Las Vegas to look at the club and do some stuff we flew in. And then we get fogged in at the airport. And we're sitting in the airport, my business partner and I and across the way is Gabe Kaplan. And we were working for Gabe to I was booking comedians for his sports nuts show on the radio. So Rodney says go talk to Gabe and see if he wants to share it yet to get home. So I become the negotiator and I go over the game. They both didn't like each other. So I go over the game. And then Gabe would say we'll tell Rodney this and I tell Rodney that it just fell apart. So I end up renting a car and we drove back to Los Angeles. And it's got to be like one o'clock in the morning we crossed the California State line. Rodney is in the backseat and he's drunk and passed out. We get pulled over by the California Highway Patrol. I guess I was speeding. And I said Oh, hi, Officer what's wrong and all sudden Ronnie popped up from the back of the car and said, Hello, officer. And the cop said hey, Rodney, how about an autograph and we forget the whole thing. Okay, sure. Science autograph. Now you just slow down young man. Okay. He walks away. Rodney passes out. We get home.

Jeff Dwoskin 22:32

That's one way to get a ticket. That's awesome.

Bob Zany 22:35

I didn't see that one coming. It was a good guy. And you know, I did the I did this last HBO special, which is interesting people. Oh, well, what happened when I said by the time he did his last special, every channel had a comedy show. So they weren't really special anymore. Because when they first started out there was like only a couple comedy show specials that people would watch. But I mean, there was even at the improv comedy on the road comic strip live. You go down the line of you know, George slaughters comedy club so it was oversaturated the market by the time I got to do it.

Jeff Dwoskin 23:06

Well, at least you got to do it. That's so cool. It's so good.

Bob Zany 23:10

I got some tape, man. I got tape. Okay.

Jeff Dwoskin 23:13

Okay, link, you get some credit. Some credit credit.

Bob Zany 23:17

You know, I beat Carrot Top on Star Search. You got to give him props. No, I did. That's a true story. In fact, he's coming back now here to Vegas. He shows the clip of me beating him on Star Search. So when I'm performing in town, I'm at one club while They're showing a clip of me at another casino. That's how big I am. Okay,

Jeff Dwoskin 23:38

that's it. Hey, what year did you win Star Search?

Bob Zany 23:41

I didn't win. I got to the semi finals. 1992 1992

Jeff Dwoskin 23:45

who won there? Yeah. Felicia Michaels. You know she is I don't There you go.

Bob Zany 23:49

Doesn't that say at all? Carrot Top and I didn't make it. Okay. Well, hey, you

Jeff Dwoskin 23:54

know, you you turned out okay, you turned out okay.

Bob Zany 23:59

Am I sounding bitter? Now. I'm thinking about listing the Batman movie on VHS. You think people might be interested in that?

Jeff Dwoskin 24:07

I think people might want the Batman movie. The original. This is the Adam West version.

Bob Zany 24:11

This is Adam West. I got to sit next to him. I got stories on both of them if you want. Yeah, that's him. Okay. Well, Adam West, I sat next to him on a plane and first class. And we just you know, cordially said hi. I knew who he was. But I didn't want to bother him. But every flight attendant kept coming up to him. And he was working that cabin like a show girl. He was getting our phone numbers. I mean, the guy 75 and they still the ladies loved him. And him. Bert. He's a Facebook friend. That's all I'm gonna say cuz he's still alive.

Jeff Dwoskin 24:37

That's, that's awesome. Yeah, I just watched a cool documentary on Adam West. It was about his family trying to get him though star in Hollywood Walk of Fame. It was good.

Bob Zany 24:47

You have to pay for that yet. Oh,

Jeff Dwoskin 24:49

yeah. And I think it is something they must have had to get approved and then you pay for it. Right?

Bob Zany 24:54

You have to approve. There's only only about 12 I think a year so but you know when I first I grew up in West Which is a suburb of LA. And it was about 18 to 19, I moved to the valley of Los Angeles and I became a messenger. And well, I would deliver to all the studios I used to deliver to Adam West house in Pacific Palisades packages and stuff. And there's all these people that I delivered to that I end up somehow working with over the years, which is a, like Johnny Carson used to go to the tonight show. And I would deliver packages and then the DeLorean he had he was an investor in DeLorean. Did you know that?

Jeff Dwoskin 25:28

i didn't know he was an investor

Bob Zany 25:30

Yeah, he he had the car and everything. And I remember sitting in his parking spot all the time. And then I go out to Beverly Hills to deliver, you know, all blow ups and letters and all that stuff. And then years later, I do the tonight show. So how about that?

Jeff Dwoskin 25:43

That's pretty awesome. You're gonna write a book, you need to write a book, you got all these?

Bob Zany 25:46

Well, I've caught documentary called 'Close But No Cigar' that came out in 2012. And it covers the first 50 years and I think I'm going to write the book because it covers like, 5% of what really you can get into documentary. I would suggest anyone to watch out if they're a comedian. You know, you'll laugh to you cry, and then you'll laugh again.

Jeff Dwoskin 26:05

Definitely is it streaming anyway,

Bob Zany 26:07

think Amazon, you can might be streaming on Amazon, but I know you can get it from there for sure.

Jeff Dwoskin 26:11

Okay, we will check that

Bob Zany 26:13

Close but no cigar

Jeff Dwoskin 26:15

close, but no cigar because you are known to have a cigar on stage

Bob Zany 26:20

at times about how close I've been to super stardom. And it didn't happen. And being on this podcast with you Jeff proves that point.

Jeff Dwoskin 26:28

Yes. Well, you wait till it airs. And then let's see who's making

Bob Zany 26:33

this. Let's see who's laughing? Nobody's watching me. You seem to nice to be doing stand up. You need a little bit of an edge. Okay.

Jeff Dwoskin 26:44

It's why i switched to podcasting. Yeah.

Bob Zany 26:48

It's a hurtful business. I don't know why, you know, that's why I don't understand celebrities who worked so hard to get wherever they're at. And then they feel guilty about it. And now look, you work hard. It's a hard job and it's a mental job. It's not a you know, physical job, obviously, but it's mentally being rejected all the time. You're the product on the shelf and people are walking by it all the time.

Jeff Dwoskin 27:08

Exactly. You're always putting yourself out there always putting yourself out there, especially with this podcast.

Bob Zany 27:13

Exactly. No. Have you had Tom Selleck on yet? Because I think he would love your hat.

Jeff Dwoskin 27:19

I went his Tom Selleck with his hat, actually. And I wear the fake mustache. And when is Magnum PI once for Halloween? Now, as you can imagine anyone just wearing a hat and a fake mustache? I obviously just look like a 70s porn star.

Bob Zany 27:33

Yeah, true. But he looked like a 74 sharp. He was Magnum. So what's the difference?

Jeff Dwoskin 27:39

Yes, that was a that was a good year. I'll send you a picture.

Bob Zany 27:42

Please do I get get on my feed?

Is it a feed? It's

have we gone viral yet? Am I viral?

Jeff Dwoskin 27:50

It's on the 'gram.

Bob Zany 27:52

By the way. COVID-19 when it hits seven COVID forget the joke. COVID-19 when it hits 19 COVID-19 when it hits 20 sell. I want you to keep all that in. That's how tough this business is. I don't know about you. But out here in Las Vegas when it first started this whole lockdown stuff the price gouging. I it was bad. I don't know how many times I heard price check at the Dollar Tree. 234. And I learned this COVID-19 can live 4 days on a toilet seat. beating out Elvis by 3. I told I told that joke in Memphis. I got nothing. Nothing. No, but you know, it's funny. That joke will get a laugh, like a half laugh and half the audience goes Whoo. And I go I think he would have laughed at that. He had a sense of humor. You know,

Jeff Dwoskin 28:40

he would have laughed. That was that was that was funny. I did Why? Hey, I have a question for you. So you started out when your first gigs was the Gong Show?

Bob Zany 28:50

Yep, the Gong Show. I was 15 when I started auditioning. And then right when I turned 16 I actually got the program. So I count 15 as my starting show business. But I asked us on the Gong Show with Chuck Barris. And people say well, did you get Gong done? No, I did not. And I'll tell you what happened was I was doing my act and it was so bad man dressed like a nun with a big net pulled me off the stage. So for that it was considered especially act so I got paid $109 and 25 cents and a waffle iron. And my parents were really angry because we were pancake family. But anyway, the point is, I got paid for this you know and I had been painting houses with my dad since I was five and you know you work all day and you're covered in paint. You kind of hate yourself and life and I went Wait a second I can make money at this. So I always say if I didn't get that check I may have never been a stand up but it kind of gave me the enticement but my favorite story about the Gong Show was I audition two other times and was turned down at one of them. I don't know why to this day. You know who Murray Langston and the unknown comic is from the

Gong Show

Jeff Dwoskin 29:55

the unknown comic, yes yeah

Bob Zany 29:56

bag is a dear friend. We did a movie together with Linda Blair that's another story but so I had a paper bag and I put it over my body was just my head exposed. And I said I was the unknown comics half brother. I mean, that's pretty inventive 1977 78 cutting edge. They said no. Oh, man.

Jeff Dwoskin 30:18

Yes, they probably still be on the air today. Yeah.

Bob Zany 30:24

But you a bit funny was if they if I did it and then he came out? Yes. That we would then we'd never been friends and did a movie together and all that. So

Jeff Dwoskin 30:33

at any point when you were on the Gong Show, did you see any hands of Chuck Barris being a CIA assassin?

Bob Zany 30:39

Yes. In fact, I was on the fifth show. we taped five that day, and between the third and fourth show, and when I went out and did a hit. Tell you what a great story about that, though. The Confessions of a dangerous mind that Chuck Barris book that became a movie George Clooney did. So Murray Langston, you know was supposed to be in the movie. And he gets to the part where he's going to play the unknown comic, right? So they get to the, you know, right before they started filming, so we decided to go with someone who's younger, he had a bag over his head, you understand how difficult this business is, was still thin and have the same outfit. He had a bag over his head, and they want when someone younger, and they make matters worse, Murray told me the guy who got hired, I called her up and said, How should I play this? So Murray got mad at them. And all of a sudden he's in the movie. So he's like a talking head in the movie. So but I mean, how unfair is that we want to go with someone younger, and the guy has a bag over his head. I had to stop him for putting in a plastic bag over his head after that, but it did happen.

Jeff Dwoskin 31:44

Holy crap. This is a rough business. This

Bob Zany 31:47


I don't know why anybody would go into it. You know, I, it's I do a lot of you know, teaching classes I help out they'll have me come in as the guest star or whatever. And the question I always ask the students is find out why you're up there. Because no one really asked themselves that why are you Why are you up there? And you know, funny. It's all about the money and likeability. You seem like a nice guy. You might have a couple jokes at work. So there you done.

Jeff Dwoskin 32:12

Thank you bad. So question for you. So you did you've actually done two movies with Linda Blair. Right. You also did repossessed with repossessed? I was in that. with Leslie Nielsen.

Bob Zany 32:26

Leslie. Yes. I only had like a guest part cameo. And I play a guy at the tour show is I think she goes by and I have a wife in the scene and the wife is Karen Knotts. Who's Don Knotts daughter. So I got to work. So that's my Kevin Bacon number with Don notches to nice. There's that one.

Jeff Dwoskin 32:45

I think you have one one degree one. Okay. Yeah, one degree. And then you were in the, one of the greatest movies of all time. Jared.

Bob Zany 32:55

Played man number one. And everybody who saw the performance I was number two. But and, you know, I know David Spade, I used to give him rides from the airport before he became a star and stuff, you know, and I know Fred Wolf who wrote it with him. And Fred and I started out together, and they told me they they're gonna have me come in audition for the part and just give me hell, but they did it. So and I still get residual checks from that to this day, like 36 bucks. So it's been very profitable.

Jeff Dwoskin 33:21

very profitable.

Bob Zany 33:22

We're going on 20 years, I think. Can you believe how fast it goes? for Joe Dirt?

Jeff Dwoskin 33:27

Yeah, yeah. Next year. 20th anniversary? Yeah. Yeah, you can do the two you can do the Comic Con circuits and stuff.

Bob Zany 33:33

Maybe I'll do an art craft show. I guess at this point. I'm selling my stuff on Macari. I hope we got some bids for the wacky pack wacky

Jeff Dwoskin 33:42

packages. Yeah. Well, everyone definitely check out those wacky packages at the McCurry McCurry show, I'll put the link out

Bob Zany 33:49

the dry bar special. It's kind of cool. You know, I'm starting to get a 77,000 views in a couple weeks just on the goodwill tour. So that's kind of cool.

Jeff Dwoskin 33:58

That's awesome. Everyone, definitely check out the drive our special Bob Zany. The name of the special is I think I handled that well. And it is he handles it extremely well. It was

Bob Zany 34:10

what the backstory is on the title.

Jeff Dwoskin 34:12

Will you say it in the show? I know that I

Bob Zany 34:14

say the show because a little eight year old heckles me during a participation trophy choke.

Jeff Dwoskin 34:19

And yeah, you do the throw away. I think I handled that. Well.

Bob Zany 34:22

Yeah. And I was just I don't usually say that much. And my wife watches special said, well, that's the title.

Jeff Dwoskin 34:29

It's a good thing.

Bob Zany 34:29

It's the first project I've done word bay-bee isn't in there.

Jeff Dwoskin 34:32

It's really haven't said that one say it for me

Bob Zany 34:34

BAY-BEE!... there I said it.

Jeff Dwoskin 34:38

I appreciate it.

Bob Zany 34:39

I sprinkle it in. That's all I do now.

Jeff Dwoskin 34:41

And then are you still actively doing the Zany report?

Bob Zany 34:44

Yeah, I call it about 20 stations a week. In fact, I did that today. And I go on Bob and Tom here or there. I did it for like 18 years every Tuesday. So that was enough. Bob and I both left at the same time.

Jeff Dwoskin 34:56

Kinda. Yeah, that was that was that was it's a funny bit. You do In this special everyone, we're not gonna give any of it away you go you go listen to the dry bar comedy special. I've got one. And you'll hear the zany report. It's hilarious

Bob Zany 35:08

we might be I might be working on another special that's really COVID friendly. And it's called I am Essential and going to be a little more adult so that you have two to choose from,

Jeff Dwoskin 35:19

two to choose from. Yeah, there's you can never have enough Bob Zany Thanks.

Bob Zany 35:24

Actually, I know that's why I've gotten rid of all my mirrors that now I'm a vampire.

Jeff Dwoskin 35:31

Oh my god, it was a blast. I appreciate you doing my little show. And I look forward to Skype I

Bob Zany 35:37

thought about getting like a corporate sponsor for the curtain. If you have a nicer curtain with a with a logo and make some money,

Jeff Dwoskin 35:45

but is an audio on the podcast, Bob's not I don't worry about the backdrop as much.

Bob Zany 35:49

You don't it's only audio for the podcast and we're doing a zoom call.

Jeff Dwoskin 35:53

That's because that was the only technology you could do Bob.

Bob Zany 35:56

No I could. I could actually call you on the phone. I offered

Jeff Dwoskin 36:01

I don't have this. I don't have a way to record on the

Bob Zany 36:04

best. I'm wearing my best baseball cap with no logo and this is how I'm treated.

Jeff Dwoskin 36:09

Yes. I appreciate you throwing on the good hoodie.

Bob Zany 36:14

You look right to you got a hoodie too. What's wrong with you? Why do you mock your guests like this? Jeff? It's not right. You should care about your guests. This is very valuable during the COVID-19 shut down.

Jeff Dwoskin 36:26

Yes, I understand. You could be doing this or streaming our show for the third time and I appreciate you choosing me. I do

Bob Zany 36:35

you're on the list today. Okay, let's just be honest, let's not push it. How do you pronounce your last name Dwoskin, Dwoskin so something sideline isn't it?

Jeff Dwoskin 36:43

dwah and then skin, the word skin and then dwah

Bob Zany 36:48

Dwoskin Okay, D isn't silent. Okay. Know that always hate those words. Were the one of the letters are silent and I'm going Why have it. Yeah, that a waste of her time? Like pflugerville outside of Austin, Texas. It's spelled with a p but you don't pronounce the P you pronounce the F before the P

Jeff Dwoskin 37:04

does that make a lot of sense. It's insane Bob

Bob Zany 37:09

and on the Twitter at Bob's zany zanni Bob on the Instagram.

Jeff Dwoskin 37:12

That's how you keep up with Bob zany on the socials. Everybody. Thank you very much, Bob, I can't thank you enough for coming on my show.

Bob Zany 37:20

I bet you say that to all the guests.

Jeff Dwoskin 37:22

I do. But I only meant it to you. It's good seeing you again. And I'm sure it's good for you to see me for the first time again.

Bob Zany 37:30

By the way, this is the

bastard. Those are small rooms over there. I know what you're talking about. It's the rhinos, right? Yeah, rhinos pub. And it's you have to hide in the back and you probably were selling crap. And I didn't care for that.

Jeff Dwoskin 37:47

No, no, no, no, I always respected the headliner, but you sell whatever you gotta you can. You came all the way from Louisiana.

Bob Zany 37:58

Ladies and gentlemen who are listening to the podcast right now. That's a call back. Thank you very much, Jeff. You're the best bay-bee.

Jeff Dwoskin 38:04

Thank you, Bobby are the best. bay-bee.

All right. How fun was that Bob Zany is awesome. You definitely gotta check out his dry bar comedy special download the dry bar app, and it's free and you can watch it. It's really really, really funny. Go buy something on his makari site. He's got lots of really clever fun stuff that he sells there. I'll put all the links in the show notes so you can get in touch with Bob and he loves it if you contact him every single day by eBay. Yeah, he told me to get a sponsor. I got a sponsor for the backdrop. So it's all good. It's all good everyone.

And you know what else is all good? I'll tell you it's time for the hashtag roundup trend of the week. Yeah. All right, Bob Zany was into the garage sales. So I dug through the archives and found #GarageSaleSongs. That's right #GarageSaleSongs. The ultimate song and garage sale item mash up brought to you by young and hard tags on hashtag Roundup.

Alright, let's get into it right away. #GarageSaleSongs. Sand signs everywhere signs. Chorus I was you know what? Everything costs? Anything by atom antiques? Of course, who let the price drop Who? by an eyes. They're watching you. data back girl. Hit me with your best bargain. Yes, the Pat Benatar classic... uptown junk, uptown junk. Anything by 50 cent. Wake me up before you Bogo... you gotta fight for your right to rummage.... Highway to Hello Kitty.... Girls Just wanna have deals.... Back on the cheap gold chain gang. These are great songs out of this nollies gently use hammock and that's it. Hashtag garage sale songs another trend is in the books. Look for all those tweets at @JeffDwoskinShow follow @HashtagRoundup add hashtag roundup on Twitter play along and you never know when he tweets might show up on a future Jeff Dwoskin show podcast Yeah, the envy of the world.

Well, that brings us to the end of yet another episode of the Jeff Dwoskin show. Don't be sad. It's over. Just be happy we had this time together. Thank you for joining me, Jeff Dwoskin on the Jeff Dwoskin show. This has been Episode 27. Please subscribe, like, share. Tell your friends about the Jeff Dwoskin show. Don't be shy. Don't be shy. Even if it's a stranger. You walk up to him said Excuse me, sir. I see you enjoy Pringles. Have you ever considered listening to the Jeff Dwoskin show podcast? Because he likes Pringles I have no idea. But I just noticed you had them and I thought you might have those things in common. Just you can adapt that script. However you need to get the word out. I'm counting on you. And I'll see you next week.

Announcer 41:06

Thanks so much for listening to this episode of the Jeff Dwoskin show with your host Jeff Dwoskin. Now go repeat everything you've heard and sound like a genius. catch us online at the Jeff Dwoskin or follow us on Twitter at Jeff Dwoskin show and we'll see you next time.

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