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#2 All the Answers Right Now with Brian Alvey


Welcome to The Jeff Dwoskin Show podcast

Looking to make fast, amazing Q&A videos? You’ll love my interview with Brian Alvey, CEO of Answers RN ( an app that has revolutionized Q&A sessions. 

Our Guest, Brian Alvey

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Hashtag Fun: Jeff dives into recent trends and reads some of his favorite tweets from trending hashtags. The hashtag featured in this episode is #MyAdviceForGrads. 


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Announcer 0:00

Looking to sound like you know what's going on in the world social strategy, comedy and other funny stuff, well join the club and settle in for the Jeff Dwoskin show. It's not the podcast we deserve. But the podcast we all need with your host, Jeff Dwoskin.

Jeff Dwoskin 0:17

for that great introduction, it's great to be here with Episode Two of the Jeff Dwoskin show. I'm Jeff Dwoskin. The naysayer said we wouldn't make it this far. But here we are. Very excited to be here. Give me I got the producers a little nervous that it wasn't gonna come back. You're like, yeah, gotta come back. The show has your name on it. It'd be a marketing disaster if we didn't have you. So here I am. I'm glad to be here. I'm glad I made the choice. We got some great interview. Coming up. The CEO of Clipisode His name is Brian Alvey, that'll be coming up in a little bit. And in future episodes, because we'll probably run out of time after the interview covering such topics as Keeping Up With The Kardashians, should you or shouldn't you that's something I think we all struggle with Chloe Kardashian recently changed her entire face. So now you got to keep up with that, too. There's just so much there's just so much you know, and the other the other big thing in the news is Pottery Barn is now by appointment. You know, I struggle with Pottery Barn. I've walked in there so many times and not bought anything and I like going in but I don't know if I have the gumption to go in by appointment, and not get anything by appointment. So gonna have to weigh my options on that one. That's the reality of retail Here we are in this pandemic world. So I almost had a sponsor today. My almost sponsor was my scale, but it turns out my scales Republican, how do I know because it keeps the lines in AI see what it has to say. But I know it can't be true. My scale republican scale, don't. Don't don't use it. So no sponsors this week, but that's open. If anyone needs to call and be as future sponsor. Please, please let me know. But without further ado, we're going to go right into the interview. Alright, so we're here with Brian Alvey. He's the CEO of Clipisode and he's got a brand new app out called Answers Right Now/Answer RN. Hey, Brian, thanks for joining me here.

Brian Alvey 2:37

Brian AlveyThanks for having me. I'm excited. I put on pants because I saw that we might be doing video.

Jeff Dwoskin 2:41

Oh, yeah. Well, pants is perfect. I'm wearing pants to nice, which is great for a podcast. So everyone. Yeah, everyone will have to put what your pants are in the show notes. So that doesn't go unnoticed. So you've got this really cool app. I used to use your old app clip pisode. I love that app. And this is sort of the new evolution of that right talk show? in a box in an app?

Brian Alvey 3:06

Yeah. Yeah, absolutely. So you know, the the old app, thank you for using it. That's very cool. You know, thousands of people use it, but not millions, right? It did, okay, but it didn't really light the world on fire. So we learned a couple things from very interesting ally and Snapchat. And they told us some things we're doing wrong. And we decided to build a whole new app. And very quickly, people ask, you know, why did you just change the old one, right. And the it's kind of like, you know, Tesla had a roadster, a little sports car. And then now they have an SUV. And they could have put more seats and more doors and more stuff into the Roadster. Or they can say you know what, that works for a certain type of person. But we're gonna do a whole new model for a whole bigger audience. And that's what the new app is all about.

Jeff Dwoskin 3:52

I love the new app. I used it a lot yesterday, and I was playing with it. And I'm going to use it for this show, in the future to request things from people.

Brian Alvey 4:03

It goes hand in hand with podcasts. It's perfect.

Jeff Dwoskin 4:05

It's an amazing podcast tool. And then also for brands, I can imagine using it or celebrities asking questions or any kind of q&a. Do you want to just describe the app? Like what the cow? Cool? Yeah, in terms of what people can expect when they're using it?

Brian Alvey 4:22

Yeah, I'll describe the app without saying how cool it is. Because that would just be wrong. No, appreciate. So so we we thought of this whole idea of like an AMA right and asked me anything session, a q&a session, whether it's stars having moments with their fans, or brands talking to their customers, right? How do you make that ridiculously easy, just ridiculously easy. There are very few products where it's a win for everybody, you know, the company making the product, the the two people using the product, right? And so we tried to say like, how do you make this so simple for stars. They're like, Oh, I spent 30 seconds on this this week. And it was it just was fantastic. I feel better. Social video, my fans are raving. And these fans have a moment with people, they love the stars, they love these brands they love, you know, people, people love brands. So so we tried to make that experience really easy and, and that's it, it's just when you when you any other way to try to do video, q&a sessions with your fans is going to suck 100 times, you know more than the way we make it work. The weird way to say it, that it works like this. If you're a star, you're Taylor Swift, and you want to ask your fans questions or have them send you videos, the ways to do it are terrible. They can put them in hashtags, they can put them in a tweet, they can dm them to you, they can send them to your Gmail address. Those are all horrible, you don't get the rights to the videos, you don't know who sent it. It's 200 videos come in 200 different formats. So we make this ridiculously easy to do inside apps, people are already using Taylor, so it doesn't have to ask your fans to download some app to send a one time video reply. She just says click on my tweet, swipe up on my Instagram story. And without leaving the Twitter or Instagram apps, you watch her question. You see what she's looking for. It's not live, you can google your answer and not look stupid, you can do three takes whatever you need to do. And then your camera magically turns on without leaving those apps. You send her video, she controls the process the whole time. So you can't do anything crazy or nefarious. And then she uses those videos and puts them back out on her social channels. So you have a moment with Taylor Swift, you feel like you got a hug from her. But she was never in the same room as you and she did 13 seconds of work.

Jeff Dwoskin 6:30

That's great. And just I know for my lawyers while you were talking that none of us have ever actually talked with Taylor Swift.

Brian Alvey 6:36

I know a guy on our socials. Yeah,

Jeff Dwoskin 6:40

I love Taylor says it is it is an amazing, it's an amazing experience. So it's it's really easy to use in terms of and if you go to a Jeff Dwoskin show right now there's, there's an example of one there with a question you can answer. And so the basically i is the host pose a question. And then you as users can just click on it from whichever platform you're really using a variety of platforms, and just literally record yourself and it gets sent to me. And then I can post your response and then post the collect both vote your question and my response together to my social channel.

Brian Alvey 7:17

Yeah, so so so and here's, here's the cool thing, the pain point for somebody, especially a Taylor Swift, right, or, you know, Beyonce, Howard Stern, whatever. When you're, when you're asking people to send you stuff, you're either gonna get a couple of replies, or you're gonna, you're gonna get, excuse me, gonna get a couple of hundred replies, right. And everybody's like, oh, dammit, it's another inbox, I have to check a button, you know, 232nd videos come in. That's an hour and a half of video. I don't have time to watch that. Right. So that's, that's really, really, really hard if you're doing it any other way. And the way that we do it is one, no friction for your fans, right? They don't leave the tweet, they don't leave the Instagram story, they send a reply and they get back on with, you know, seeing what the President's doing or going to, you know, check out some ad. Anyway, you get all these these videos in. And instead of having to watch an hour and a half a video, we show you two cards, not cue cards, posters, kinda like a Tinder card that just shows you like, here's the person who answered you. And right on top is the caption. So now you can just skim through and read them, delete, delete, save for later, delete, delete, answer. When you choose one of those to answer, we take that question, and we take your answer, we combine those videos together, we put animated titles on top of it, it looks like a little show. But it's a really tight, quick, short show that fits inside a tweet. So now you can crank out three, four or five of these things, put them back into tweets, you just generated five videos with your fans, your tag your fans, they share them because they're in them. So that's kind of the that's the how you would use it for specifically podcasting. You can throw out questions, hey, who should I have on my show in the next few weeks, right? Or, hey, I'm having, you know, pink. I think it'll stop killing doing killers. But I think pink on my show, what should I ask her? Right? You can source content from fans, you can use that audio in your podcast. And then afterwards, you know, you're a year in Hey, after my first year of doing these podcasts, what was your favorite episode? What did you like? What was something you heard about it on one of these shows that you've never forgotten that book, a, quote, a way to be, you know, that has always stuck with you. So it's like, like we said, it's a good complement to these things. But it's just an open ended way to get video content in the moment at scale. And there's no friction for anybody the hosts or the fans.

Jeff Dwoskin 9:31

Yeah, it's a it's an amazingly easy app to use. And yeah, I agree. It's, it's an amazing way to generate massive amounts of great content that really engages with your fan base and your your, your customer base. So you include them. Kudos here, where do I where do I get this awesome app?

Brian Alvey 9:49

So answers are will take you to it. It's It's It's in the iOS App Store. It's for iPhones, iPads, all the devices. And that's it. answers are in

Jeff Dwoskin 10:00

All right. That's awesome. Well, thank you for your time, Brian. I appreciate it. Yeah, I was very cool. All right. So that's it Answers RN that's the app. Definitely check it out. Download it. You're gonna love it. And we're gonna take one quick

Announcer 10:16

break. Can't Get Enough. Follow us on Twitter at Jeff Dwoskin show and follow our daily musings and hilarity. It'll be like we're always there with you.

Jeff Dwoskin 10:26

All right, we're back. This is Jeff Dwoskin. The only one here anyway, so we're gonna check in real quick with hashtag roundup on twitter at hashtag Roundup. They do tons of great fun hashtag games big fan. We're going to feature a fun game by the Wild Bunch led by by Race Bannon with graduation in the air. The hashtag was hashtag My advice for grads. So Richard, Richard says there's always money in the banana stand. That's a reference from Arrested Development. Great advice. In that show, and in real life, always money. Wherever you find bananas. That girl. Her advice married the nerd This is important. I think my wife she took this advice. Obviously she does knew it at heart. Rob says turn back. It's so true. Rob. Great advice from Star Wars and Admiral Akhbar. Never, never trust anything. Everything's a trap, folks. adulting is a trap. You've been tricked into leaving your childhood. Congratulations. Dan wants you to remember that face tattoos are a really bad idea. If you ever want a job. Liz also wants to remind you not to touch your face. So a lot of advice for the 2020 grads focuses on the face. Don't put anything on it. And for sure, don't touch it. If you want to help mom learn to do your own laundry. And I think the best advice that you can take from anyone is don't take advice from people on social media, or podcasters, for that matter. Anyway, I'm Jeff Dwoskin. Thanks for stopping by again and we'll see you next time.

Announcer 12:28

Thanks so much for listening to this episode of the Jeff Dwoskin show with your host Jeff Dwoskin. Go repeat everything you've heard and sound like a genius. catch us online at the Jeff Dwoskin or follow us on Twitter at Jeff Dwoskin show and we'll see you next time.

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