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#293 The Crossing the Streams Bubble (Bonus Ep83) – Great TV binge watching suggestions!

Need TV binge suggestions? You’ve come to the right place. We’ve got you covered.

In this bonus episode, we discuss a few of great binge suggestions:

  • Emily the Criminal (from live ep 96)
  • Blackbird (from live ep 93)
  • The Bubble (from live ep 70)

wsgs Tony Berardo and Zack Wiseman

Crossing the Streams features discussions of TV shows and movies available on streaming services. It is hosted by Jeff Dwoskin and co-hosted by Howard Rosner, Ron Lippitt, Bob Philips, Marci Kozen Stifter, and Sal Demilio.

Special guests also join the show every week. Each episode features a segment in which the hosts recommend a TV show, movie, or documentary for listeners to consider binge-watching. The segments are taken from live recordings of the show.

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CTS Announcer 0:02

Looking for your next TV show or movie to binge? Well buckle up, grab the remote and settle into your couch for this special edition of crossing the streams. We're here to help you tune in and get the most out of those 50 monthly streaming channels you're currently paying for. So without any further ado, here's your host of crossing the streams. Jeff Dwoskin.

Jeff Dwoskin 0:31

Hey, oh, it is I'm Jeff Dwoskin, your host of classic conversations and your guide through this bonus episode of crossing the streams. What is crossing the streams? It's where we answer the universal question. What should I binge watch next? I just watched something. And now I got to watch something else. Well, you have come to the right place. We have over 132 hours of binge watching suggestions on our YouTube channel just waiting for ya. But before you go, there were beaming three of those segments from three of our live shows right into your ears from live show 70 The bubble 93 blackbird and live episode 96 Emily, the criminal all these are coming at you out right now. We're gonna kick things off with Emily the criminal Ron limit from Live episode 96. Take it away. Ron. Emily, criminal, I'm excited to hear about this holy

Ron Lippitt 1:25

cow, you guys. So So first off, this was not served up to me by Amazon or Netflix or Hulu or any other streaming services. This was served up to me by our friendly friends up in the sky in Delta Airlines in their, you know, New Release section, which by the way, I'll just say I find really interesting because to that very point, you can't see Emily, the criminal anywhere right now without paying for it. It was released in August, it had a budget of 1.7 million, it yielded 2.2 million. So this was a barely profitable endeavor. But it was picked up by Netflix. So this is going to be on the big board in December. So I'm really actually excited about this. But this movie is so good that when I just flew to California for my trip last week, I watched it on the way there and I watch it on the way back because there were things about it that I I've been thinking about it nonstop. So let me start with this. Jeff, you mentioned you're in Aubrey Aubrey Plaza fan. I'm just curious. Why are you in Aubrey Plaza fan

Jeff Dwoskin 2:32

on parks but yeah, mostly because I love her clips from the late night shows. Yes.

Ron Lippitt 2:38

Okay. So let me just say that I'm white lotus. And so I loved her also in parks and rec right? I think she's one of the most fascinating people I know. She's also I have to tell you one of the most like deranged people like like legit crazy, you don't know what she's capable of saying or doing on any live show. I don't know why she would ever appear on anything live without some type of seven second delay, because you just don't know what she's capable of doing or saying on these shows. And so when I saw the on Delta Airlines when I saw the near the preview for this stupid named show, Emily, the criminal with it's a movie and I'm like, that's a really stupid name for a movie Emily, the criminal. I assumed it was a comedy. But there's nothing comedic about this movie. This is a very this is a very dramatic social commentary movie about a young lady who is absolutely laden with student debt and cannot get ahead of her over debt load. And it asks the question of society and the acting performance of Aubrey Plaza, what is the common person if pushed to certain limits? What are they capable of? Normally good person, the person who's lived their life by the rules and done everything the correct way? Could somebody like that be pushed into into being a an if if you can be pushed over that line? How far over that line? Are you willing to cross once you once you cross into that into that world? And that's what this movie seeks to explore an answer and I have to tell you, I was blown away by Aubrey plaza's talent. This is a I did not give her full credit for for her true acting chops. In retrospect now I've had a chance to in preparation for today, you know, she did go to NYU and she was part of the Tisch drama program and like this is she went through the rigors of becoming a prolific actor. So it shouldn't surprise me that someone with those kinds of chops could should be able to put together a dramatic role. I just I just didn't know she had it in her and she is amazing in this role. I have to say that one of the things about harborplace I didn't realize is how athletic she is. She is incredible. She did all our own stunts and She did an amazing job being physical and dramatic at the same time feel. Rossi is in this movie and for anyone who else is in a Sons of Anarchy fan, you might know Theo Rossi. He is exceptional in this movie. And he was he was part of the production team as well. So Aubrey and Theo kind of built this thing. You'll be surprised to know that Gina Gershon makes a comeback performance in this in this movie. She has one role one scene in the whole movie, but it's a kick ass scene with Gina Gershon. So I'm really I'm really pleased to see that that the budget they had that they were able to get get a couple of big bigger names into this. The same

Howard Rosner 5:38

since Elizabeth Berkley knocked her down the stairs

Jeff Dwoskin 5:41

that I love and and you know, you know, Ron's not the Marvel guy in the group because he went Theo Rossi and didn't go from Luke Cage.

Ron Lippitt 5:51

No, that's true. That's true. And if you pull up Theo Rossi I mean, he's got to listen to the guy's got a ton of credits, right? But yes, he was. What does it hurt inch shades Alvarez? Is that what it is? Yeah. But he's gonna He's been in a bunch of other things. And he's super talented. You know, the funny thing about Theo Rossi is when you look at him, you have no idea what nationality he is. It's like in this movie he happens to play somebody of Arabic descent but you don't know you could be anything and and that brings up another topic which is the Eros he speaks flawless Arabic in this movie. And guess what? Aubrey Plaza, flawless Spanish and this movie? Well, I'm gonna do that. That she was bilingual but I do now because bothers Puerto Rican. But I had no idea that that was that she is multilingual and that I thought that was cool how they used it in the movie. So listen, I will just say this. I don't want to I don't want to ruin the voyage that they take you on with a suffice to say this is an exploration of characters and the possibility for change and what that means not just to the people in the movie, but also what it means for society. What's, what's the reflection that it has on all of us and How capable are each of us when pushed to do bad things? I really am excited for where this movie is gonna go. Once it does stream I am betting that this will be one of those slow burn type of movies that kind of pick up a following once it's streamable on Netflix, and I am really, really glad I watched it. I've been thinking about it a lot. And I think you guys will enjoy it too. So I hope you guys check it out once it's available to us and our friendly friends on Netflix.

Sue Kolinsky 7:23

You You definitely had me at Aubrey Plaza, because I love her. There's something so real and raw about her performances. And because I've been watching her, Jeff, you mentioned White Lotus, which I'm deviating here, but I think it's so much better than last season. There's something that's really really dark. And I'm only two episodes in but oh my god, she is so good in that

Jeff Dwoskin 7:50

the fight the Vyvanse about white lotus is I don't think my wife knew who are very wise i was i By the way, she's Puerto Rican. She mentioned being from Puerto Rico and white lotus. I'm sitting there trying to explain to her know Aubrey is hilarious. She's one of the quirkiest funniest people because it's so not the White Lotus character. It seems like this boring was there. But yeah, she's good. She's good. It's she just,

Howard Rosner 8:17

I just saw her the other day. Funny People with Adam Sandler. Rogan Jonah Hill was on and she plays the woman that lives across the young woman that lives across the hall that Rogan wants today. And she's great in that too. So sarcastic,

Ron Lippitt 8:32

if you folks, folks who are watching, you don't actually know who Aubrey Plaza is, if you do google or Go on YouTube, you're gonna get her more famous clips of her on late night television, just as Jeff mentioned a minute ago, and those are some of the most uncomfortable and hilarious segments like to the point that people like you know, like like Kimmel and Fallon have no idea what to do with her like, it's right, it's so weird and uncomfortable that they just don't know what to how to handle it. And that makes it even funnier. And I think they knew that going in. But holy cow when given the right script and the right opportunity to really demonstrate or her talent, I was really, really very impressed by her and I'm gonna be looking for her to do more stuff like that in the future.

Sue Kolinsky 9:15

You were saying that you know, how did they get this group of talent to be in this film and a great script, a great script actors well known actors will always do something if the script is great.

Ron Lippitt 9:29

That's and that's actually exactly why she signed on for it and exactly why Rossi signed on for it as well. They said they both read the script together and they were like we have to do this. This is this is a requirement.

Jeff Dwoskin 9:42

All right, checkout Emily, the criminal Thank you, Ron limit. Now let's head over to live episode 93 And talk about one of my favorites. Blackbird take it away Tony Berardo. Let's go to Blackbird let's go to Blackbird. This is an Apple TV show. Usually Ron covers but foreign correspondent Tony Berardo is gonna take us through Blackbird. Hello,

Tony Berardo 10:07

thanks for thanks for tuning in. If you notice the left, there'll be a nice cold precipitation coming in. So yeah, Blackbird. I gotta tell you I was not I was not like really itching to see this. It took me a while to get into it. And I really wanted to watch it because I love Terran Eckhart Is that how you say his name at Curtin? Egerton? Edgerton. Edgerton? Yeah. Because you know, he's the Kingsman, right. He's the man. And I was like, Yeah, and I was like, and you know, he's kind of a kid in that, like, it's, you know, I love those movies. They're great. But I'm like, I'm not, I don't think this is going to be that good. So anyway, I turn on Episode One, me and the wife, and we sit down, and I'm like, Oh, okay. This is interesting. And the whole idea behind that is, you know, he's kind of this badass sports guy, Jock hardcore type likes to do drugs. And I almost cursed their foreign a case with a lot of women, and does some wild, wild stuff and eventually gets arrested. Spoiler alert. And when he's in jail, he gets us deal where if he can convince a serial killer, known Sirika, that's actually inside jail, inside the psych ward, where all these crazy people are, if he can convince the serial killer to admit that he did these crimes, then he'll actually go free. And if he doesn't do this, then that said, that said criminal would actually be let loose because there have enough evidence on them. And apparently, this is loosely based on a true story. You can look it up, but it's the serial killer, Larry Hall, I tried to find some correlation. There's a lot of things that are either fabricated or just like anything else, but like the nuts and bolts of the story is there. So the fact that that is true, some of this is true is pretty incredible. But I thought androgen did an incredible job acting, I was very impressed. Throughout this entire series. The last like three episodes for me were like, Whoa, like this Duker really, really act. And not only is it for me the way he can get jacked and ripped and be the next Wolverine. I'm calling right now my book, that dude needs to be the next Wolverine in a reboot. But his acting as a whole, just from zero to 100. You see him being this like jock, kind of like, guy that you think is going to go through this entire thing. Cocky, not really caring. And then you see him evolve and see his character evolve. And contrast to him is I forget the guy's name. But he was in that Clint Eastwood movie about the bomber. He's the villain in this movie. Has anybody seen this? By the way, Blackbird?

Jeff Dwoskin 12:35

No, no, I'm very interested in it, though. Oh,

Tony Berardo 12:37

my God. Yeah. No, I haven't actually. His name is Paul Walter Heiser. Oh, yeah. So he's in What's that movie with that?

Jeff Dwoskin 12:46

He's in Cobra Kai. Well, that.

Howard Rosner 12:50

He said in the movie about the Atlanta Olympics. Oh, he's

Jeff Dwoskin 12:54

the bomber guy. Yeah.

Tony Berardo 12:55

So I keep I forget that name. But anyway, that he was incredible in that movie, right? He's great. And everything. He's even more incredible in this. Like, I didn't think he could get better. But he plays this very sadistic serial killer that you kind of All right, thank you. That's what Yeah, Richard Julia, that great movie. And during this series, you kind of like think that this guy is innocent. And then halfway through, you're like, No, he did it. And then he goes back and well, maybe he didn't do it like and you're on this roller coaster, where you don't exactly know if he did or not. So who's the bad guy who's the good guy? Maybe he's innocent. And you kind of feel for both characters as they evolve. And I think it's only like nine episodes, but it is extremely good. Like probably one of the best series I've seen in quite some time in terms of like a drama. Very impressive. So I would definitely see it incredible act and great story. And it's a true story. A lot of it is so yeah, definitely check it out.

Howard Rosner 13:51

He was in icon Yeah, he was in that show. Kingdom martial arts show that I kicked him out. Way back when we started

Jeff Dwoskin 14:00

doing a big part of Cobra Kai. Yeah, he's he's been black Klansmen. He was great in that looked like a solo. Black Klansmen. Oh, you got to see black. Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god. Yes. Michael. Oh, God, so rarely Yodas in your show. Oh, oh,

Tony Berardo 14:18

Blackbird. Yeah, of course. I didn't want to mention him because he actually passed away is kind of heartbreaking for me. Yeah, it was tough. Because they they did a nice tribute. Scrape

Howard Rosner 14:27

open a wound, Jeff. For lemon juice. And I'm just kidding.

Tony Berardo 14:33

But it is incredible. Because like he's little that's his last acting bit today. So to see him in a totally different light. You've never seen really over like this either. It's pretty impressive. That's a good show, man. Yeah, you gotta watch him.

Jeff Dwoskin 14:45

Tony, tell me about your grandparents. They remind me I really thank you, Tony Berardo and our final set. checkmate comes from Zach Wiseman from Live episode 70 The bubble take it away, Zach. That's my point. Let's move on. Let's do the bubble. Oh, hey,

Zack Wiseman 15:12

cool. It's my turn. Alright, so the bubble which is a brand new comedy movie that just came out a couple of weeks ago actually. Now I watched this the second it came out because of the the cover box. I'm a 90s kid. So I say cover box. I think it's a poster or whatever on the cover box was you know, Karen Gillan, you have Lesley man, you have Pedro Pascal, you have all these beautiful David Cavani. You even have? Who else? agouse con from taskmaster. You have Keegan Michael Key? You have some amazing cast on here. And I'm like, What is this movie about? So it's directed by Judd Apatow, and it's written also by Judd Apatow as well as Pam Brady. And you might know Pam Brady, she's a producer of like, phenomenal comedies like South Park and a couple others. She also wrote hot rod. So she's been dabbling in comedy for lots of years. And this thing came out and the premise of it is pretty stupid, really, which is just a group of actors and actresses stuck inside of a pandemic bubble at a hotel as they attempt to complete a film. Now, the premise of this film is this cast of people that had been together for six other films that are huge mega blockbusters called Cliff beasts, now they're filming Cliff be six. And because of the pandemic, they often go in this, this British hotel and quarantine. So pretty much it kind of a mockumentary on what like actors and the elite would do when being forced to quarantine for, you know, a high level production of a movie. The cool thing is that while they were making this movie, they actually put it out as though they were making a movie called Cliff B six battle for Everest memories of the Requiem, so people thought they're making this really crappy action movie, and we're talking bad about it. But it turns out they were making a movie about in a movie. Now the cool thing is that inside this movie is a third movie. So it's making a movie about making a movie while making a movie. Now the cool thing for me is that it has a couple of standout stars. The main cast is Harry Travolta when plays a character named Gunther who has one of the most interesting faces I've ever seen of a human being and so clever very fast. As far as wit goes, really a new style of humor. You also have Samson Kayo is bola. And these two are people that just kind of work in the hotel and are the main people that they're allowed to interact with. And it's all them interacting with these elite people. You know, Pedro Pascal has, he's a character that has a drug problem and a sex problem. And she falls in love with somebody at the hotel who just wants to know what love is, you know? Then you have Leslie Mann, who is Judd Apatow, his wife and she gets to act along her daughter who's Iris Apatow and it's interesting how like each of these celebrities have to interact with each other because Keegan Michael Key is, you know, he's a celebrity. And in this movie, he's like an actual celebrity. But he comes across Judd Apatow, his daughter Iris, who is a tick tock superstar. She has 20 million followers on Tiktok and he's so jealous of her and her Tiktok abilities that he keeps like trying to get her to put him in his in her tick tock dances and it's just so weird to see what I could think high level actors and actresses are stuck doing while having to you know, have the time or life making billions of dollars. Now. I thought this movie was so funny. And I made my daughter watch it as well. And she's like, Oh, this is really funny. And then for this show, I looked up the reviews and people hate this movie. And I don't fully understand IMDb has a thing down. It's like three out of 10 I think it has so many number ones. I like appetizers style. I think that his comedy changes with what he's making. He's not the same style of comedian and I really like what he's doing. Also you have James McAvoy, John Cena Daisy Ridley Fred Armisen Dennis hoppers dollar makes our first acting appearance in the here the wife of Bora even have back in this movie so it starts at a cat and a really really weird movie Kate McKinnon's in it I definitely suggest take it in it is not a deep movie, but there's

Ron Lippitt 18:46

no Judd Apatow.

Zack Wiseman 18:50

appetite, we'll do some serious cool stuff. And that he has had some comedies that I think are just brilliant. This one I liked just for what it was. I'm probably not going to rewatch it but I liked it for what it was.

Jeff Dwoskin 19:00

Fair enough. Cool.

Ron Lippitt 19:02


Jeff Dwoskin 19:02

They missed you by the way. Oh,

Zack Wiseman 19:04

I missed you Lee.

Ron Lippitt 19:06

Love wasn't a man. I think she's,

Zack Wiseman 19:08

she's great. Great. Great.

Jeff Dwoskin 19:09

She's alright, so we should check this out. Get some five

Zack Wiseman 19:12

I think so. I liked this movie. It's just like it's it's celebrities being put in their place by people that don't want to be putting celebrities in their place while trying to stick things in their nose and Fred Armisen is a directors movie. It really really clever, funny fast movie.

Ron Lippitt 19:27

Zack went through his entire review without using the word aggressively so I don't know if that means a good thing or a bad thing but but it's just something

Jeff Dwoskin 19:37

all right, the bubble Thank you Zach. Wise man. All right, everyone. That's a lot of homework for Yeah, the bubble Blackbird Emily, the criminal, go hop on the couch, find your cozy spot, grab your remote cross your own streams, and I'll see you next time.

CTS Announcer 19:56

Thanks for listening to this special edition of crossing the streams. You Visit us on YouTube for full episodes and catch us live every Wednesday at 9:30pm. Eastern time. Now turn this off and go watch some TV. And don't forget to tell your family I'll be busy for a while.

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