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#253 Crossing The Streams at Halftime (Bonus Ep67) – Great TV binge watching suggestions!

Need TV binge suggestions? You’ve come to the right place. We’ve got you covered.  

In this bonus episode, we discuss a couple of great binge suggestions:

  • Santa Clarita Diet (from live ep 93)
  • Halftime (from live ep 78)
  • Jimmy Savile: A British Horror Story (from live ep 69)

Crossing the Streams features discussions of TV shows and movies available on streaming services. It is hosted by Jeff Dwoskin and co-hosted by Howard Rosner, Ron Lippitt, Bob Philips, Marci Kozen Stifter, and Sal Demilio.

Special guests also join the show on a weekly basis. Each episode features a segment in which the hosts recommend a TV show, movie, or documentary for listeners to consider binge-watching.

The segments are taken from live recordings of the show.

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CTS Announcer 0:01

Looking for your next TV show or movie to binge? Well buckle up, grab the remote and settle into your couch for this special edition of crossing the streams. We're here to help you tune in and get the most out of those 50 monthly streaming channels you're currently paying for. So without any further ado, here's your host of crossing the streams. Jeff Dwoskin

Jeff Dwoskin 0:29

Hey, oh, it is I Jeff Dwoskin, your host of classic conversations and your guide through this bonus episode of crossing the streams. What is crossing the streams? It's where we answer the universal question. What should I binge watch next? I just watched something. And now I gotta watch something else. Every Wednesday 9:30pm. Eastern time live on YouTube myself, my co hosts frequent guests to the show. We come together and we talk about TV shows movies to binge. There's over 120 hours of binge watching suggestions on our YouTube channel. Check those out. In the meantime, you're here so you can check these out. This bonus episode is three segments from various live shows from Live episode 93 Santa Clarita Diet from a live episode 78 halftime, and from Live episode 69, Jimmy Seville, a British horror story. all that goodness is coming up. All right. Now let's start with Santa Clarita Diet. This is one of my favorite shows. I'm leading us through this one. Here we go. Let's go to Santa Clarita Diet. This is have you guys anybody seen this? No.

Ron Lippitt 1:46

Never even heard of it. Never heard of it.

Jeff Dwoskin 1:48

You've never heard of it.

Howard Rosner 1:50

I've heard of it. I get it a little

Jeff Dwoskin 1:53

Santa Clarita Diet is it's a three season show as well, just like C, but it does not have a great ending, it was unceremoniously canceled. So normally, I wouldn't suggest a show that got canceled before it's time. However, I love this show so much. And I'm still devastated that it got cut off after season three. This was during that time where Netflix was churning shows all the time and most Netflix shows didn't make it past two or three seasons. That was just their model. It's only as of recent like with Cobra Kai and stuff where things have five, six seasons, if you think back, not many Netflix shows had much at all. So Santa Clarita Diet was introduced in 2017. It's an American horror comedy. So it's created by Victor fresco it is on Netflix, it stars Drew Barrymore and one of my favorite people, Timothy, all a family is great. So the idea of this series, and it's a simple series, I will say if you're gonna dive into it, the pilot you just got to get through the pilot. They hit their legs, episode two on Drew Barrymore is fantastic in this isn't enough, right? This was this show was written for her. And when she was about to actually leave kind of entertainment, and was so drawn in by this scripts and this idea for the show, she changed her mind and took this gag. So the idea is Drew Barrymore and Timothy All the fans are married their husband and wife Joel and Sheila Hammond, their suburbanites and their real estate agents and they live in Santa Clarita. So in the first season and the first episode, and this isn't giving anything away, Drew Barrymore becomes a zombie. Okay, so, so she becomes a zombie. And the whole show is how this loving couple with two kids has to now make it through the relationship challenge that one of the spouses is a zombie that his wife is on dead while till death do us part may have applied here. I might

Howard Rosner 4:31

have a lawsuit that is very similar to my previous marriage.

Jeff Dwoskin 4:39

Wow, that is the premise. I will say a Jubeir Mr. antimony Oh fat as a couple their banter. They are hilarious. It's worth it. The writing on this show is great. There's a built in mythology into the show in terms of how she became a zombie and what it means Ian's in, in the Serbian knights and now this kind of there's a whole mythology of people that are undead among us and, and people that hunt them and all this kind of stuff. And they start to uncover this and it's great. And then the next door neighbor is guyler zondo. You've seen him in, you've seen him and other stuff. Yeah, he was in the righteous gemstones, you'd recognize MC Tom. He's like the neighbor. And then live Houston is Drew and Timothy's daughter. And then Mary Elizabeth. Alice is an extra neighbor. She's the mom. There's a lot of people actually from the grinder, which was my show that I talked about last time, which is another show that got cut off and it's brought that I absolutely love. There's three people from that series actually, in this one. There's a funny, ongoing thing with Nathan Fillion. He actually is one of the very first people killed in the series that Drew Barrymore kills to eat. And then they feel guilty after burying him because they realize they've turned him into a zombie and on dad, and so they just have his head in the basement. And so it's just literally Nathan billions. Head is a character in this show. And then that's for season like one and two. And then they got away with Alan Tudyk. Taking over and season three because at this point, it's so it's Alan toolcraft. took over. Yeah, so funny. It's a firefly. Firefly so but because his face is so you know, the crap at at that point. Yeah, that they got away with it. They got away with it. But of course, I mean, you're suspending your disbelief anyway, at this point. It's so great. I will say the interesting thing about this because this is the time I'm watching The Walking Dead At that time, the killing scenes and Santa Clarita Diet get get it by the way, Santa Clara to die. Yeah. Clever, right. The Killing scenes. And this put anything you've seen in The Walking Dead to shame. Shame when I just because like we I would watch this with my wife and she literally could not watch the scenes where Drew Barrymore would kill someone to eat them, or they would have to kill they are that violent. Yeah. Which is weird, because it's it's a comedy. Right? That aside, I didn't mind it. But that is. It was interesting. So

Ron Lippitt 7:22

so how long are these episodes? Jeff? Were just

Jeff Dwoskin 7:25

I think they're just 30 minute episodes. There's only 30 Right? It was like tennis season. And then that was a whole thing. It was interesting. Like it did it ended on a cliffhanger. So it doesn't seem like they intended it to end. And it ended. And, you know, it trended and people were like, you know, the fans of the show made a thing about it, but you never saw the stars talking about it. You know, I never, you never really saw anyone kind of you know, who's in it complaining about it. And I'm telling you, it was great. It was like you think if like this was something like Drew Barrymore was amazing. Timothy, All of that was incredible. Like everybody was in this, Ethan Suplee. And Alice, you know, I mean, like Andy Richter. I mean, there's just so many great side characters to this as well. And it was just so thoroughly enjoy. I like it's one of those shows that maybe I'll review one day as well. Another one that I love that got canceled. They never gave it its due was last man on earth. Will Forte show. love that show? You know this one, though? You know, it was disappointing. I caught on late, you know, like maybe season two. And then you know, and here's the interesting thing. The interesting thing is like the first year with the critics, you got like a 78% on Rotten Tomatoes, right? I think but then it got 89% in the second season and 100% in the third season, and then they canceled it. Wow. It's by the time it was in the third season. I'm telling you back after the first episode, I mean, they do these characters in the banter and everything was amazing. But by the third season, I mean, it was just there was certain scenes that were just so hilarious. I mean, it was just it was so great. I so for that reason, I am suggesting you go watch it, even though it does end. And you you're gonna wish there were more. It was great enough that it's worth investing the time if you're looking for some some good entertainment, especially if you like Drew Barrymore, and especially if you love, which I do Timothy, All a fat.

Ron Lippitt 9:35

I was just googling. Why did they cancel this show and that they seem to be attributing it to Netflix is what they call a cost plus budget model where they pay for the show's production upfront. But then there's a premium of 30% on top of it, and then each renewal, it gets bigger. So basically, the show gets much, much more expensive by the time the third season rolls around. So maybe that's a different kind of contract that they have with other types of shows that they

Jeff Dwoskin 10:02

think early on. Yeah. Because I think you saw a lot of that. There's no old Netflix shows that I think were many, many, many seasons. Yeah, that's like a new thing. So alright, so check that out. All right from Live episode 93 Santa Clarita Diet one of my favorite shows still hurts my heart. Thank we never got to season four. But you should definitely check that out of next sale. dimiliki is taking us through Jennifer Lopez's halftime take it away sale. Talk about halftime.

Unknown Speaker 10:38

I want to know about this.

Sal Demilio 10:40

I watched this because it was one of the recommendations on Netflix This is now it's not necessarily a documentary about her life, which kind of bummed me out a little bit. It did go a little bit back to when she was a child and how she got started and stuff. But it wasn't about that. It was about our halftime show at the Super Bowl in 2020, I believe. Yeah. And a lot of it takes place with her getting ready for the halftime show. And then they'll kind of go back and talk about things throughout her life. Not nothing about her relationships, or nothing like that, which is kind of good. But the whole premise of the documentary is to record everything leading up to this monumental halftime show. Fill in big shoes of all the people that have performed at halftime. It's literally the biggest event anybody can perform at 100 50 million people are watching that. And it also doc the documentary also shows a lot about her performance in the movie hustlers. I didn't see that. Did you guys see that

Bob Phillips 11:39

movie? Yes. Okay. It's a good movie. When I watched it,

Sal Demilio 11:44

they document a lot about her making of that because she was an executive producer on that. I it was a big movie for a Latino to be a star of something that was so controversial kind of subject. So anyway, they show a lot about that. And her relationship with Shakira going into the halftime show. They kind of this is another thing that and I forgot I'm not going to name the publication. I don't know if it was variety, or one of these entertainment portals that we get our entertainment news on, but they kind of made it seem like she was shaming Shakira or talking bad about her. That's what I read before I watched this this as one of the reasons I wanted to do this documentary. I didn't see that at all. She the only thing she never said nothing bad about Shakira. She was she the only thing she said was that I think it's a stupid idea to have two headliners on the halftime show, and not make the time more. When it's a solo performer. They get 12 to 14 minutes. They gave Jennifer Lopez and Shakira 14 minutes. So Jennifer Lopez is bitching in the movie and she does it like five six times. She She kind of just throws it in, because they show a lot of her preparation with the dancers and all that. And one of the things you hear four or five different times is why wish we had more than 14 minutes. I wish we had more than 14 minutes. I wish we had more than 14 minutes. It's a stupid idea for two headliners. That 14 minutes. And the whole time. I'm thinking man, you're Jennifer Lopez get 20 minutes. Right? Yeah. You're one of the biggest stars in the world. How can you not

Bob Phillips 13:20

and you're not getting paid? Right. So yeah, you're volunteering your time, if you say,

Sal Demilio 13:26

don't talk anything about that. I just thought that was interesting how that was a big part of the documentary is this 14 minutes thing. And that was her bitching. So she never said anything bad about Shakira. It wasn't his fault that she was one of the performance. There was a lot of that in there. There was a lot about the controversial because just before the performance, something about the kids in the cage, they didn't know if they wanted to show that she has the answers on the ground for performance that we're going to be in cages and there was stuff going on about that in the news. So she said that kind of ruined the moment for her insecure to have anyway a lot of that lot of the making of it. And then at the end they show a lot of the halftime show which I think I was over at Bob's for the Superbowl I don't even know if we watched it. I think I went out to get more wine or something. I don't even watch it live but I watched this documentary. And you know, it's good to great performers like that. Great dancers. Obviously, they're hot. So it was cool, but I will say this. It's not as good as the best performance ever. Which is Prince at halftime show. Just there was no ever I will never be. There was no politics in that performance. There was no nothing. It was just about him singing and it started raining and he's singing Purple Rain. It just that was a performance that brought together not this. I get I really give it a thumbs down documentary. I didn't think it was that good. I think JLo is an unbelievable performer. But I just didn't like the way she made this documentary about the halftime show. I just didn't do it for me.

Bob Phillips 14:58

So this let me okay, I didn't I understand why it was called halftime until you just did because any any news about Jennifer Lopez I just go scroll past I don't give a shit. There's nothing about her that intrigues me in any way. what point did her publicists think that people wanted to see a documentary but like what? Who gives a shit? Right? It was that it was what it was all about an hour and a half about halftime. What was that drawing? Were you mocking me, Jeffrey. I don't know.

Jeff Dwoskin 15:32

That was a picture. I just needed to do something

Sal Demilio 15:35

besides her publicity and her movie, or, you know, hustlers to get people maybe to download that. Besides that, it was about the making of out one thing, I thought there was some really cool stuff in there. She had to watch the, you know, the dancers that dance behind any performer, whether it was that one or anyone. Well, she actually watched that whole performance in front of her like in her jeans and T shirt because she wanted to see what was going to be behind her. So she knows what they're doing. I thought that was kind of cool. She had to do that many, many times. Like she had to watch them like four or five times to get their movements and stuff. And I'm like, alright, that's kind of cool to see the making of that.

Bob Phillips 16:16

Yeah. The reason I asked that question, it seemed to me like she wanted to answer that. She just wanted to get this out there. Why was I sharing a co headline spy with Shakira? That was the point of this, right? I mean, what else was it? Well,

Sal Demilio 16:30

yeah, go ahead.

Jeff Dwoskin 16:31

My fear and no disrespect to Jennifer Lopez. I think she's very talented. I there's some movies she has been in that I've enjoyed a lot. I think she's really really good. I don't think he's halftime good. I don't even know I agree with you consider for that. If anything. The reason they got all the only time they got Shakira, is actually 100 times better. Right? Especially as right. I'm not not JLo has fine music and I've enjoyed she's just need to hear the block. great actress. I'll give her that. I was the one with George Clooney love that movie. And that was

Bob Phillips 17:12

the Elmore Leonard. Yeah,

Sal Demilio 17:15

they do gloss over that a little bit. Some of her movies. That was one of them. They obviously they show her success in Selena, which kind of made her.

Bob Phillips 17:26

Oh, that's right. Wow, that seemed like a million years ago.

Jeff Dwoskin 17:29

She's good. But a lot of people are good. And I mean, it's like, I just don't see her as I thought she was. I enjoyed that halftime show. And I thought she was good, because she's amazing dancer and all that kind of stuff. I don't need 20 minutes of Jennifer Lopez in the middle of a Super Bowl game. I just don't know. I guess I'm like, it was good. What are we complaining about here? And the reason they don't get paid, I think is because the next day basically in iTunes, they make friggin millions of dollars because whoever performs it's unbelievable.

Howard Rosner 18:01

First of all, let's be truthful and say that Jeff doesn't need a 20 minute JLo performance in the middle of Superbowl commercials, which is clearly more important to him than the

Bob Phillips 18:15

I'm with you, Jeff. I'm with Howard. I'm with Jeff on that. Oh,

Howard Rosner 18:19

dear. The two of you denigrate rate up with people clapping for ball halftime. Oh,

Bob Phillips 18:27

I you know what if that one of these days they're going to dust that shit off and they're going to put it out there and it's going to be the ironic Super Bowl.

Sal Demilio 18:34

I love areas Yeah.

Jeff Dwoskin 18:38

The biggest prints fan and

Sal Demilio 18:40

I mean, I agree that performance somebody

Bob Phillips 18:42

one of the greatest quotes I ever heard somebody asked Eric Clapton, I don't know maybe 10 years ago they said what does it feel like to be the greatest guitar player in the world? He said I don't know as Prince

Jeff Dwoskin 18:55

has ever seen, though. I think it was a tribute for it was a I don't remember who it was where they did it might have been the Rockwell tortures and it's my my Gen Y. George Harrison was there he had died. But yeah,

Bob Phillips 19:07

were they Well, my guitar.

Jeff Dwoskin 19:11

Patty, Jeff Lynn at the end prints comes out. Everybody just kind of goes back and like okay. Have you seen that or heard? Yeah, go Google that right. It gives you goosebumps, doesn't it? It's incredible renditions of that of any song ever.

Howard Rosner 19:28

I didn't see the documentary Sally. But the one comment that I heard, lifted from the documentary was how she was stunned that she wasn't nominated for an Oscar for hustler.

Sal Demilio 19:43

Oh, yeah, there was I think she got nominated for a Golden Globe but not not an Oscar. So she

Bob Phillips 19:49

puts that in the document. I'm stunned. Yeah.

Jeff Dwoskin 19:53

Yeah, there was like it

Howard Rosner 19:55

was an entertaining enough movie, but it was I liked it. I think that's entertaining. It's not a rewatchable

Bob Phillips 20:02

go by Oh, and she was good in it. I get I'll give her that. But I think there's

Jeff Dwoskin 20:06

a theme here arises perhaps a lack of self awareness. Like she, like she's really good. She's I would put her in the top third of whoever. Well,

Howard Rosner 20:18

my ego, my ego.

Sal Demilio 20:20

She's done. Movies and her movies have made threes great.

Jeff Dwoskin 20:24

Not not here. I enjoy her. I enjoy her a lot. I think we all enjoy her. I don't think that yeah, I just think we think that she thinks she's Beyonce. And Beyonce is like sitting at home going. No Bitch, please. All right. 60 year old

Unknown Speaker 20:40

white man saying Bitch, please.

Jeff Dwoskin 20:46

All right, thank you, Sal. Up next from Live episode 69 Bob Phillips is taking us through the horrific world of Jimmy Seville and Jimmy Seville. A British horror story. Take it away Bob. Let's go to God Yeah, we

Unknown Speaker 21:04

got to end with this. Yeah, we're gonna end recently Seville

Bob Phillips 21:07

I feel bad about this. This has been a rollicking show. Don't you agree rollicking been rollicking? Mood? Yeah, we've had

Jeff Dwoskin 21:16

a lot of fun. It's been a good it's been a good show. Yeah, yeah. Good,

Bob Phillips 21:19

interesting conversation. Good mood. I am going to do an abbreviated Jimmy Savile a British horror story, documentary review. It's a two parter. It's about three hours. I'm going to tell you openly and honestly, I got through about two and a half and I said fuck it. I can't stand watching this anymore. I just can't. I know. I know the story. I know. Because I followed the Jimmy Savile story before this documentary. This guy, I'll just do a very abbreviated encapsulated version. This guy was the world's worst had a file for 40 years hiding literally in plain sight. In England, there was something like 450 cases 450 cases raised against him at his death and you can probably multiply that by 10. Okay, the number of not just children but also adults, handicapped people. And it was I you know, just the depravity of this guy is boundless. There was also word that he was a What's the word for a guy who has sex with dead people? I don't know what that I don't even know what that is necrophiliac? Yes. So, name, the disgusting sex crime and this dude had done it multiple times. Talk about hiding in plain sight. He made Michael Jackson look like an amateur. You know what I'm saying? This guy. For 40 years. He was knighted for God's sake. He literally he was knighted. He was a queen named him. He was a friend of the royal family. He hung out with Prince Charles and I don't mean in an ancillary way. He hung out with this dude. They exchanged letters, they hung out they had lunch and Prince Charles asked him on multiple occasions how to deal with certain aspects of what was going on in British society. What was going on with a particular charity and how to address when or whatever was going on? Because according to Prince Charles Jimmy had the pulse of the people. Okay, and that's not noted even mean that in a funny way. I mean, of course, he had the pulse. He had his hands wrapped round. Anyone ever failed? Yeah, the carotid artery of them. Yeah, I started he started as a disc jockey and became known as England's best disc jockey. He hosted a Top of the Pops, which in England is a huge thing. It's like American Bandstand times American Idol. That's how Big Top of the Pops was. This is where every British artist got their start. And he hosted this among other people, he managed to sidle up to everyone have any kind of influence so that he could conduct his, you know, his crimes in hospitals with on children, children that were being treated for cancer adults that were being shared, treated? amputees, quadriplegics, that this guy he didn't have there was there were no boundaries to this guy. And so I thought, you know, I was going to give sort of a a chronology of of him but there's it's pointless if you want to watch three hours of literally the worst man that ever existed on Earth besides Vladimir Putin at the moment, or Robert Pattinson. Yeah. According to Ron, you know, the thing is, there's nothing what I got out of this was, I mean, he literally grew an entire country, he groomed the world. He told the world and he said on multiple occasions and in multiple ways, I'm going to jail. He literally said that he said that. He fucking said, I'm going to jail if they ever figure out what I've been up to. And everybody laughed with him, right? He said these words he said, You don't know what I do on my off hours. Well went unchecked for 40 years. They finally got him after he was dead. Okay, so they wanted to be caught. It is That's exactly it. He was putting out all kinds of signals,

Jeff Dwoskin 25:35

just like the Riddler.

Bob Phillips 25:38

The Riddler literally the most boring villain in movie history. I'm sorry about that. But this guy, you know, all you can hope for is that there is a hell and he's robbing in it. I could go on, you know, I could give you the deal. I'll say this about the documentary, the first half, it lays out all the kinds of things that you need to know for, you know, for you to understand how an entire country could be duped by this man. And and by the way, I think England is something like 54 million people at the height of his popularity. His show Jimmy Jimmy will get it done. Commanded 20 million viewers. Wow. Okay, that's, that is 40% of the entire population that says if the in the United States that 150 40 million people watched his show, that's unbelievable. I guess the only lesson I got out of this was that watch the people who are around your children and your grandchildren watch them with a very jaundiced Hawkeye, because you never know where it's coming from. None of those people in England saw it coming.

Tony Berardo 26:50

But wasn't this clown? Isn't he a big reason why we have those websites that where you could see a pedophile close to you.

Bob Phillips 26:57

You know, I don't I don't know he died. What in 2011 I think I did. 84 he was 84 Yeah, and if you look at him by American standards, if anybody in America you'd say What a fucking freak, and the Brits just went Oh, look at he's great, the gnarled fucking cigar stained teeth, the weird glasses that the scraggly hair I mean, I don't know if they just became inured to it or what but literally the only lesson I got out of it was first of all believe your children and your grandchildren who any children around you who tell you that something felt off because they're going to

Jeff Dwoskin 27:35

say it seems fame as a shield and people I just kind of

Ron Lippitt 27:39

I mean we've had a number of recent examples of this

Jeff Dwoskin 27:43

study I well I'm a depressed but

Bob Phillips 27:46

the I know and I hated to end it that way. I almost wanted to do like a I don't know like a bozo retrospective maybe

Tony Berardo 27:52

that the end Bob at the end Bob it sounds like you were enjoying that actually. I just you're waiting day by JL up his ass. Yeah, never go outside. That's the lesson never go outside.

Jeff Dwoskin 28:06

All right, Bob. Thank you very much. And if you're listening and into diving into nightmares Do not miss Jimmy Seville a British horror story. Also on the list today, halftime, Jennifer Lopez and Santa Clarita Diet, three binge, worthy options for you. Check them out. Up on the couch, find your cozy spot, grab the remote grace your own streams, and we'll see you next time.

CTS Announcer 28:40

Thanks for listening to this special edition of crossing the streams. Visit us on YouTube for full episodes and catch us live every Wednesday at 9:30pm Eastern time. Now turn this off and go watch some TV. And don't forget to tell your family yeah, I'll be busy for a while.

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