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#243 Crossing The Streams to Murderville (Bonus Ep64) – Great TV binge watching suggestions!

Need TV binge suggestions? You’ve come to the right place. We’ve got you covered.

In this bonus episode, we discuss a few great binge suggestions:

  • Bleed for This (from live ep 41)
  • Home Team (from live ep 60)
  • Murderville (from live ep 62)

Crossing the Streams features discussions of TV shows and movies available on streaming services. It is hosted by Jeff Dwoskin and co-hosted by Howard Rosner, Ron Lippitt, Bob Philips, Marci Kozen Stifter, and Sal Demilio.

Special guests also join the show on a weekly basis. Each episode features a segment in which the hosts recommend a TV show, movie, or documentary for listeners to consider binge-watching. The segments are taken from live recordings of the show.

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CTS Announcer 0:01

Looking for your next TV show or movie to binge? Well buckle up, grab the remote and settle into your couch for this special edition of crossing the streams. We're here to help you tune in and get the most out of those 50 monthly streaming channels you're currently paying for. So without any further ado, here's your host of crossing the streams. Jeff Dwoskin.

Jeff Dwoskin 0:29

Hey, oh, it is Hi, Jeff Dwoskin, your host of classic conversations and your guide through this bonus episode of crossing the streams. What is crossing the streams? Glad you asked. It's where we answer the universal question. What should you binge watch next? You just finished something. And now you got to watch something else. Well, you've come to the right place. We have over 115 hours of streaming suggestions on our YouTube channel. And we're live every Wednesday at 9:30pm. Eastern time. You're welcome to join us on YouTube and chat along with us. This bonus episode is segments from three of those 115 episodes. Episode 6041 and 62. are bringing your home team bleed for this. And murder Ville just me and my co hosts and guests chatting about shows that we think you'll enjoy first up from Live episode 62 murder Ville take it away me. This is murder Ville Get ready. Get ready to punch a one way ticket to murder though. All right, so this show right off the bat. I love love the show. It's an interesting premise. So it's based on a UK BBC show, as most things are in Britain and British and British in the British in the UK. It's called murder and successful. And it ran from 2015 to 2017. And there were 18 episodes same basic premise. And the basic premise is that there's a celebrity guest star each episode that isn't given a script and as to improvise their way through it while being led by the other actors that do know what's going on. So will our net is of Arrested Development fame. Possibly one of the best Batman people will lead in terms of a live action. I would say this is boiler nets best role since Arrested Development. This if you love well aren't that this is that. So the premise of the show is he's senior detective Terry Seattle, and he's a homicide detective and he gets a new partner and there's new murderers every day for him to solve. So the cast is really funny. And then he is introduced to his his celebrity partners who are Conan O'Brien Marshawn Lynch, Kenjon, Camille, and Gianni Eddie Murphy and Sharon Stone. And so there's there's only six episodes of murder Ville. I love her

Fredd Carroll 3:02

Sean Lynch, how does Marshawn Lynch fit into the basic?

Jeff Dwoskin 3:07

I don't know what He's great. He's really great. And wow, it's interesting because each one of the each one of the guest stars, celebrity guest stars, who when they come in, the whole premise of the show is right in the introduction and explains how they don't have the script and they have to improvise their way through so we'll earn that kind of guides them or the other characters will guide them, but each one of them brought their own unique spin to it. You know, I mean, like Marshawn was actually really great. And, you know, like, Conan was Conan Kenjon was great. And Annie Murphy was great. Sharon Stone was great, but in a completely different way than everyone else. And so the idea of it is is a funny thread that runs through it. Oh, well, Will Arnett is haunted by the murder of his ex partner from 15 years earlier, which is just a flash on the screen a picture of Jennifer Aniston. She's never in it. She's never ever I just it just czar for that's why there was there. She's never gonna it's just a photo. And this is his partner. It's been murdered. It's just eating him inside and ruining his life. And so the way it works is whether or not enter is introduced to his new partner, right. So let's say Annie Murphy. Annie Murphy is Annie Murphy in the show, right? She they play themselves and they are trainees in the homicide. So we'll learn as they go to the murder scene. And then there you have Lowen, Baden Bowden Lo and boating drink Lorenzo then who plays Amber Kane, the forensics expert, she explains the murder and she says these were the thing is like, I'm just making this up. This was a quarter and this was left by the murderer and this was a note left by the murderer and so there's like a few clues that they do. And then one way or another they figure out There's three suspects, right? And so they go to each one of the suspects. And it's up to the celebrity Eddie Murphy, my example, to ask them questions and to observe the surroundings of the scene to piece together the clues that they know, with what they're learning or what they can visually visually see in the scene. And then they do that three times. And then at the end, we'll learn that basically turns the guests and goes, who's the murderer? And then they say, well, it was this, it was Fred Carroll. And this is why, you know, then they'll police detective who's awesome comes out. And she says, Yeah, Annie Murphy, you're 100%, right? Or she'll go, you're 100% wrong, and then she'll explain why she was wrong with the clues. So I gotta say, some of them you're watching and you're like, oh, it's clearly that person. And then towards the end, I was like, I don't know. There were some were like the subtlety of how they, when they when they recap, and they show you're like, Oh, of course, right. But they got they get, depending on who it was. That's part of the fun of the show.

Fredd Carroll 6:05

What and that level of nuance.

Jeff Dwoskin 6:07

It's on Netflix,

Fredd Carroll 6:08

because I haven't seen this. It's, I'm not sure if I want to it's got this the way you're describing. I can't tell if it's, is it sketch comedy?

Jeff Dwoskin 6:17

No, it's not sketch comedy. That's a great question, Fred. It's, it'd be like, kind of like if you had a murder mystery, I think at your house, except really professionally shot with professional actors. Yeah, again, like Robb Willer. Net is brilliant and bringing them through. And there's usually a scene this doesn't really give anything away. But usually with one of these aspects. He goes, I can't go in there with you, Annie. Put this in your ear, and just repeat whatever I tell you. And it's so funny. It is so funny.

Fredd Carroll 6:49

Do they break? Do the characters break it? Like especially the guest?

Jeff Dwoskin 6:53

I don't know how much this was one shot and then they are they reshot they even they break a little bit but not like full is no full break. But

Fredd Carroll 7:02

they're all I would always be Fred Carroll on it. And while it'd be Jeff Dwoskin and well,

Jeff Dwoskin 7:09

I mean, well, well. Arnett is a character detective Terry see? No, but I mean, me as the guest. Yeah. Unless you're undercover or something. Yeah,

Fredd Carroll 7:18

I gotta check it out. Yeah, it's

Jeff Dwoskin 7:19

really fun. It really is. I mean, there's for every moment that maybe doesn't hit. There's another moment in this show. That's just off the charts.

Fredd Carroll 7:28

Does it have longevity though? Does it have longevity? It sounds like something that could I think it

Jeff Dwoskin 7:33

did like six episodes every so often. You can deal with it, you know, 625 minute episodes. You know, it's it's easy to digest. I think if the concept was an hour now, now, it's a perfect like 25 minute half hours.

Speaker 4 7:49

Now they keep it tight. And they also they love the way he messes with Conan because Conan is so strong in his improv game, so it just forces the yes end. And it's quite a hilarious moment eating spaghetti.

Fredd Carroll 8:00

Okay, I gotta watch this. Yeah, I will.

Jeff Dwoskin 8:03

Watch it. Yeah, no, you should definitely definitely watch it. Let's see cherry Oh, Jerry watched it. Oh Marshawn Lynch was great on Brooklyn nine nine I love Brooklyn nine nine we should I need to watch that. Half scripted half improv. Yep.

Fredd Carroll 8:16

That's over now to write is in Brooklyn, Brooklyn nine

Jeff Dwoskin 8:19

and I think that show got it got tough to do that show with how the police were in the in the media and

Fredd Carroll 8:25

well, didn't it move networks? Didn't it go from there, but it was it successfully jumped

Jeff Dwoskin 8:29

I think I went a couple of seasons after I think it ended when it should have ended that show. I mean, it was odd for like a long, long time. Yeah, it's still got what nine seasons is pretty strong. It was a solid show. That show is really fun.

Speaker 4 8:43

And it survived like two years to where it didn't it skipped a year, especially with all the police stuff going on. They just kind of went we're gonna fill this another

Jeff Dwoskin 8:51

plus a with COVID and all that. Yeah. So but yeah, I highly recommend murder Val. It's it's a lot of fun. It's just a lot of fun. It's just a really good show. To watch. All right, that was murder Ville have fun watch indeed. Up next Saudi Familia is going to take us through the movie Home Team. Take it away, Sal.

Sal Demilio 9:16

So Netflix, it's a Happy Madison production, which is Adam Sandler's production team. They see a lot of the same comedians and a lot of these movies. This one star is Kevin James and it's, it's about Sean Payton, the NFL coach for the New Orleans Saints who back in 2012 basically got suspended for a year for basically it was called bounty gate and he started this I guess a long time ago. I think he started this in college. He told some story where he just said you go out injure a player and you get you get rewarded for that. When that got up to the NFL. That was a no no. So they suspended Sean Payton. He was a divorced father. I think this is the only thing that's true about the movie is he went back to Texas to coach his his son The football team peewee football team. These kids are like 11 years old. So now Kevin James takes that idea or I should say Charles and Daniel Kinane. Obviously I they probably embellished a lot of what what happened. I don't think everything that happened with Kevin James Sean Payton went through, but it was a great story. It's almost like the bad news bears maybe sandlot. So he goes back to Texas. He just wants to watch his son at first. He sees his ex wife in the stands with her new boyfriend who is Rob Schneider with it with a man bun. It's hysterical. I love Rob Schneider. He is greatness. I mean, you know, he's just just perfect. And he's just got these great lines. And he's not in it a lot. But when he's in and he's very good. And one of the assistant coaches is Gary Valentine, who's also a comedian and who's been in a lot of Happy Madison production movies. So he's great. He plays a kind of a goofball, defensive coach, kind of the guy that falls down a lot or riding a bike, he seems like kind of a weirdo and funny. So anyway, that's the storyline and he kind of just starts blending in and helping out and coach is good looking coach, kind of peewee football coach that really doesn't know a lot about football. So when Kevin James gets involved, obviously, they start getting a little better because the team sucks. And it's got a lot of that in it. I wouldn't say the characters, the kid characters in this movie, because there's about probably 10 or 11 football players. I wouldn't say there is memorable characters as sandlot. Or even the bad news bears for that matter. I don't think there was any like really, really funny kid scene or kid moment in this. It's all very, very good football scenes and stuff. A lot of scenes with Kevin James and his son and stuff. That's kind of cool. There's a lot of good moments when Kevin James goes back to coach his team. He just gets a hotel for like, like two months. So there's a really comedic back and forth with the hotel manager kind of thing. He's got this Jacuzzi in his room, and he can't get it to shut off. So every phone call, he makes people can hear the jacuzzi like he called coach caller from Pittsburgh, and he's in the movie, you know, and he's talking to Coach caller about, they're getting ready for the because they they get really, really good and then they make it up to the championship game called the Pittsburgh coach for advice. And the Pittsburgh coach in the middle of the little football talk goes, Hey, what's that noise in your backyard? You guys might jacuzzi, you know? So it's just obviously it's a it's a comedy, but it was very, very well done. I thought it was really, really funny. Obviously Rob Schneider, Gary Valentine and it has a couple other really good characters in it. It's a kind of a inspirational movie because it's kind of cool. Sean Payton gets to spend a year with his son watching him play football. And they kind of go over that. And now I get I don't know what kind of real relationship Sean Payton has with his son. What's really cool, I'm not gonna spoil because the movie just came out. I'm not going to tell you if they won the championship or not. They make it to the final game. One of the really cool scenes was they show it in the beginning where he's the coach of the Kevin James is actually playing Sean Payton. And he he gets suspended. You know, they show the phone call from Robert Robert Goodell. He's in this. Really obviously, it might be Sean Payton's office because it was filmed in New Orleans. So they probably literally film the seeds in Sean Payton's office and he he leaves you know, he's got to he's got to leave and stuff. And his secretary or receptionist, whatever tells them Hey, you can't call me you know, you can't even have contact with me. So he finally comes back on you know what just happened with his kids team, not going to tell you if they wanted a loss. He goes into the office, everybody's welcome back. And he's starting his first day on the job. He's in his great office. And there's the Lombardi Trophy is in the corner of his office, and he walks over to it and he places the trophy of what place they came in for his little league team that he coached and he puts it right beside the Lombardi Trophy which is really cool. And he sits down in his desk and like takes his first phone call for his job back with the saints. So really, really cool movie, you know, kind of like that story where it's the big NFL coach and then he kind of gets downgraded to coach a peewee football team and, and makes those guys better players makes them better people for life. It's a really good movie. I give it five tomato sauce jars, man. Ah, I should see this. Very, very tomato sauce. Yes, yes. Boom, boom. Very good. And we're very well in the top 10 already for Netflix. So a lot of people already watching it and the words getting out that it's good. It is just

Jeff Dwoskin 14:22

fine. I do want to I do want to call you out on one thing you said the good looking coach who is Taylor Lautner. Oh, yes. Right. Okay. Star all the Twilight movies. Oh, okay. You're gonna kill anyone here believe cells not seen all the Twilight?

Devon McVettie 14:40

Pretty sure shall know. Sharkboy and Lavagirl at the same time?

Jeff Dwoskin 14:44

Yeah. And Taylor, from Grand Rapids, Michigan, by the way.

Sal Demilio 14:50

Good job. He does a good job in it, too.

Jeff Dwoskin 14:52

All right. Awesome. Thank you for that.

Devon McVettie 14:54

Do you want to stay to that? The I know you said there wasn't really memorable kids, but the one And the only reason I know him is he was in the Mighty Ducks reboot TV show. Disney. He played the center that always would get kicked in the butt.

Sal Demilio 15:08

Yes, that was very good. Yeah, there was good good moments with the kids. I just didn't I don't know just for some reason sandlot I just remember a lot of those kids. It just heard their dialogue and stuff more than than this movie, but they did a good job. And yeah, that was that was Good point. Good. Good point. All right.

Bob Phillips 15:26

Do we have 30 seconds for some Mighty Ducks trivia?

Jeff Dwoskin 15:29


Bob Phillips 15:30

Okay, so I don't know why this always made me laugh. Okay, Emilio stevis. Right. Not not much of a career going on, except for Mighty Ducks reboots every, every 10 years. He did like one through 12 or whatever it was, and just wanted to get out of it's so bad because all the other, you know, actors of his generation were moving on to serious roles. And he just couldn't get anything going. So he had this script for a movie called Bobby. It was about Bobby Kennedy, right? So he presents it and says I want to do this movie. Disney says sure we'll do that movie. But you have to do another mighty dogs. So he does it, which is like, I don't know, it was like four or five. And they give him the money to produce Bobby and it just bombs is so bad. And I think that was the last time I saw the guy on screen.

Devon McVettie 16:21

Three Bob? Yeah. Was it three? Yeah, there's only three of them. And he the last one he played or he was in it was like it was a guardian angel more than anything else.

Jeff Dwoskin 16:35

All right, Sal, thank you very much. And thank you Bob for the mighty duck trivia. Our final segment is led by Bob Phillips, bullied for this another boxing entry into the world of crossing the streets from Bob take it away buddy. The 1400 Boxing show that Bob Phillips is gonna cover we're pretty excited about this. Dad crossing the streets has been named the number one boxing review site in the world.

Bob Phillips 17:05

It really is. And thank you for waiting for him for that. So bleak for this great movie. Good boxing movies are very hard to find. This was think it was done in 2016. It stars Miles Teller who I was not ready to believe as a fighter, especially a fighter like Vinny pazienza. But he pulled it off. He did it beautifully, I think Rotten Tomatoes rated at like 75 which was pretty good for a boxing movie. It's on Netflix, by the way. The whole story is about and I'll tell you the reason for the title at the end of this because it is important. The whole story is about visit Vinny pazienza his career after he loses a fight with Roger Mayweather, everybody knows Floyd Mayweather, right. Money Mayweather? 49 and l now 50? No, but his Uncle Roger Mayweather, they call him the call himself the Black Mamba. He was a fighter in the 80s and 90s. Very good. And he outclassed Vinny in a I think it was a welterweight Junior welterweight out, that's about like 140 140 pounds, manhandled them and exposed him as a very limited fighter, but he was a very popular fighter. He was the Rayman Senia of his time, he was the boom, boom and seni of the 90s, if that makes sense. And late 80s or 90s. So he was he was a very charismatic guy. He was from Rhode Rhode Island Press loved him. He was a very funny kid. But he didn't he didn't have the talent to to beat the big champions of his day. So he would he would get those shots and he would narrowly mess or he'd get beaten, but he loses this fight. Okay, and so he, he then he gets a new trainer, and it gets Mike Tyson's old trainer, a guy named Kevin Rooney. And I don't want to tell you the whole all the ins and outs because it's, it's I don't want to give you a give away too much. But it's also boring to get too deep into the esoteric but the point is that he was changing his whole fighting style around and instead of fighting at 140 pounds, Kevin Rooney said no, you're an older guy. Now you're in your late 20s You can't find it 140 You need to go up you need to go up to weight classes, which is unheard of in boxing. Well, it was getting him ready for a fight and and he actually wound up winning the fight he wound up was like the IBC Junior Welterweight Champion, Champion, something like that, shortly thereafter, gets into a car accident and breaks his neck in three places. And they tell him and this is this is all true and it's very well dramatized in the movie. They tell him Look, you're not just not going to box again. We're going to struggle to help you walk and they say we're going to have to fuse your spine. As you often hear with people with spinal injuries. They fuse their spine, it gives them the ability to walk but they you know become very stiff in the rest of their life. They just can't they don't have the mobility. So pazienza true to his character says, No, I'm not doing it. I want you to put me in a halo. And the doctor says, No, I, I need you. I want you to walk again. He says, I want to fight again. So, I mean, literally against all odds, true story. He's in a halo for six months. You've seen these halos thing, Halo things, right? People with neck injuries. so broken that Halo for six months, they literally screw four bolts into his head, big ones, you know, like three inch, probably half inch diameter into his head so that this thing remains a mobile. Well, this would not be a an inspiring movie. Certainly not an inspiring boxing movie, if he just wound up him learning how to live with a halo on his head, who decides just a couple months into this that no, I'm gonna fight again. And he doesn't tell anybody. He literally goes down into his basement and starts lifting weights. He can only lift you know the bar, you know that 20 pound bar at first, and then

Jeff Dwoskin 21:05

gradually that's all I can do and he's never hurt his neck.

Bob Phillips 21:09

That's about all I can do to do that. There is there's a lot of lot of stuff going on here. Katie Seagal plays his mother, the guy who played I'm trying to remember who played the God he was the king of the wildlings in Game of Thrones, he plays his father. Anyway, really good cast, and Myles Taylor pulls it off. The whole point to the movie really is to just be sort of I mean, every every boxing movie tries to follow the rocky formula right? Like there's no way he can win this. Oh my god, he wins. Well, if you know boxing, you know that Vinny pazienza was a hell of a competitor. But he was not a Sugar Ray Leonard. He was not a Tommy earns he was a man of the moment. And a skill fighter was a top 10 fighter but he was not going to hold the championship for long. So obviously, there is no movie if he doesn't recover from his injury. So I'm not giving anything away here. But the next person he fights after recovering from this horrible injury is Roberto Duran. Yeah, now he's a he's an aging Roberto Duran, he's young young 40s But he's still Roberto Duran. And I'm not going to give you the what happens in that fight. You'll have to watch it it says very exciting, very cool. Miles Teller I gotta give him a lot of credit man. He he does the plays pazienza low key, I think he gets it he gets the spirit of the guy. And the title I thought I'd save this for the the title bleed for this comes from you don't you don't see this in the movie, but it's from a book, where his father Vinnie had a big gambling problem. He wasn't a drinker for most of his life. But he loved the strip clubs, and he loved gambling. And he made millions in the ring and lost millions in casinos. And his father saw him in the casino after actually what yeah, it was after a fight, you know, betting $10,000 A hand losing $100,000 A night, any and he said to him, stop, you've got to stop this. Don't you understand you bled for this? So it finally worked its way in the Vinnies head and he you know, he didn't have the millions that he collected as a fighter, but he's kind of a sought after commentator on certain fights. He's a he's a fun guest. He'd be a great guest for your show Jeff and mine if I could get a hold of him. But anyway, bleed for this. It's on Netflix, very interesting character study and a rousing boxing movie. Good Review, Bob.

Jeff Dwoskin 24:05

All right, Bob. Thank you for that amazing insight into bleed for this. We also had Home Team and murder Ville sounds like everyone has a lot of homework in front of them. I'm gonna let you get at it. Hop on the couch. Grab your favorite cozy spot, grab the remote cross your own streams. And I'll see you next time.

CTS Announcer 24:27

Thanks for listening to this special edition of crossing the streams. Visit us on YouTube for full episodes and catch us live every Wednesday at 9:30pm Eastern time. Now turn this off and go watch some TV. And don't forget to tell your family yeah, I'll be busy for a while.

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