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#97 Crossing The Streams Shoots To Kill (Bonus Ep8)

Need TV binge suggestions? You’ve come to the right place. We’ve got you covered.

Crossing the Streams originated on this podcast in episodes 8 and 15. My idea was to record friends freely discussing TV shows (and movies) they binge on one of the many, many streaming services we all subscribe to.

Jeff Dwoskin, Howard Rosner, Ron Lippitt, Bob Philips, and Sal Demilio are your co-hosts and we’re joined weekly by special guests. The assignment? We each come to the show with a TV binge suggestion. It might be a series, movie, or documentary but we’ll give you the scoop so you can decide for yourself whether or not to dive in.

In this bonus episode we discuss a few great binge suggestions:

  • The Cabin with Bert Kreischer (from live ep 54)
  • Murder Among The Mormons (from live ep 15)
  • Val (and Kid 90) (from live ep 36)

Each segment is pulled from a show and shared as is in all its LIVE goodness.

Full past live episodes:

Also, you can join us live every week at 9:30 PM ET on YouTube or join us on the Fireside app and join the show live (

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CTS Announcer 0:01

Looking for your next TV show or movie to binge? Well buckle up, grab the remote and settle into your couch for this special edition of crossing the streams. We're here to help you tune in and get the most out of those 50 monthly streaming channels you're currently paying for. So without any further ado, here's your host of crossing the streams. Jeff Dwoskin

Jeff Dwoskin 0:30

Hey, everybody, it's Jeff Dwoskin. Great to have you back for another bonus episode. Hopefully you've been busy digging into our back catalogue crossing your own streams and you're back for more. We got more for ya. Don't you worry about that the bonus episodes been a big hit that we're gonna keep them common week after week. Every Thursday, we bring you three segments right here from our live show crossing the streams live show, Jeff, this isn't the live show. No, this is a selective recap of various segments from various episodes, but you can join us live every Wednesday at 9:30pm Eastern time. We're on YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, go to youtube search the Jeff Dwoskin show, subscribe to the channel and you'll get alerted us on Facebook is funny you'll get alerted there also, you can comment along this bonus episode of Christ in the streams is chock full of great suggestions for you. We have the cabin with Bert cry Shire pulled from Episode 54 We have murder among the Mormons going all the way back to live episode 16 and Val from Episode 36. With a bonus of kid 90 thrown into that segment. So sit back and enjoy crossing the streams. It's me and my buddies. We're just talking about shows that we love with hopes that you'll love them too. Let's kick off with the first one. Let's head right into the cabin with Bert crush Shire. Take it away. I would rise there. Right now we're gonna talk about the cabin with Bert.

Howard Rosner 2:11

I sure. Yeah. So for those of you who don't know who Bert is, Bert is the machine is his famous routine. He's a stand up comic. He takes his shirt off at the beginning of every one of his specials. I think his his as a stand up. He's really good. Not as traditional. I think he's just a great storyteller colors, the stories while the machine story, which actually they just finished wrapping the machine story basically with he's playing himself and Mark Hamill is playing his dad in the movie. So that'll be out this year, somewhere in 2022. Sometime anyways, normally, I don't like this type of show because I can't stand what is essentially scripted reality, right? I hate it's just, it's like if I want to watch fiction, I'll watch fiction. I don't want to watch something that I know is fake. And this is kind of set up that way. The gist of it is he does so much with his life. He's a stand up he does his podcasts he does so much that his wife told him to go away to have some alone time. So he rented a cabin in the woods in the hills in California. But he because he couldn't be alone with himself invited friends to come up and see him. Obviously that's, you know, scripted. It's not the case. But the two things that make it so every episode he has a different group of friends. The first episode is Tom Segura, who's a great stand up and his best buddy. They do a podcast together and Joey Diaz has also a hysterical stand up another episode it's got Nikki Glaser and Caitlyn Jenner. Another episode is got Kaley Cuoco, Joel McHale and mishpat comic that he's got Anthony Anderson, Deon Cole and Big Jay Oakerson. And then the final episode is Bobby Lee. And Danelle Rawlings. I

Jeff Dwoskin 4:05

think Bobby Lee Wow,

Howard Rosner 4:07

he's nickel for that role. Yeah, Bobby.

Jeff Dwoskin 4:11

Bobby Lee's in the new Sex in the City reboot I worked with I did one show with him once

Howard Rosner 4:17

straight. Yeah. So so the gist of the show like I said is his friends are coming up to enjoy some spirituality and Zen. So every episode, they have some activities that he has planned, like Axe Throwing ralphing beekeeping. Beekeeping Yeah, some comedy ensues from that. So it's kind of cheesy, but there are in every one of the episodes, there are some poignant moments which weren't clearly weren't scripted, like the episode with Caitlyn Jenner and Nikki Glaser. Burt is talks about how his dad who was a huge Track and Field guy you loved and idolized Bruce Jenner. And they actually he says, Would it be okay if we called my dad right now, so they call his dad on cell and his dad just is so praiseworthy for him and what he meant to him and, and it's just, it's funny and it's nice and then they hang up and Bert is literally in tears because he says, I've never heard my father talk that way to anybody. And and you're like, wow, that that was a spiritual moment for Burke. You know, there's there's some other things like mishpat is a train wreck. She's crazy. And she tells Kaley Cuoco Who the fuck would watch that show, but big bang theory. And but then there's some moments where she talks about her life. And you know, just how she survived. And again, there's, there's just some amongst the craziness, there's some, there's some good moments, it is a super easy, what show you'll finish the five episodes, you know, they're 2324 minutes, whatever it is, you'll sit down and watch them all the way through. It's not earth shattering. It's not mind blowing. It's not informative. It's not it's not. But anyway, it's enter, but it's really entertaining. You know, it's one that you don't have to be locked into with your eyes on the screen the entire time. But there are some moments if you do that. We're like, Wait, what the hell do we just say where you have to rewind to hear that? It's really entertaining. I really recommend it. I love Bert. I follow him on social media. I think he's hysterical. I think he's really honest.

Jeff Dwoskin 6:44

He's an excellent comedian.

Howard Rosner 6:45

I like yeah, he's good. He's not like Tom segura. Like I said his buddy, is, I think a better joke writer, a more traditional joke. Punchline, Bert is far more storytelling, but he's a great storyteller. The machine story if you've never seen it, Google it. It's about how he got involved with the Russian mob. One summer in college. Bert, by the way, is Ryan Reynolds trivia, Bert is considered the loose basis for the Van Wilder character. Because when he was in Florida state bird was voted the biggest partier in America at Florida State. So he's, he's Yeah, loosely considered the best system ever. So yeah, it's Netflix. It's really easy. Watch. out like it. It's a good recommendation. I'm convinced.

Jeff Dwoskin 7:42

I'm convinced. We'll check it out. Yeah, we'll all right. Thank you, Howard Ratner, and thank you all. So for that Van Wilder trivia, you never know what's gonna pop up and one of these discussions. All right, that was the cabin with Bert crush hire episode 54. If you want to check out the full hour episode that came from Up next we have murder among the Mormons a documentary that Ron liberty is going to take us through from Episode 16. Take it away, Ron. So let's jump right in and talk about murder among the Mormons,

Ron Lippitt 8:26

some Mormon murdering, we're gonna get right into it. Thanks, Jeff. So listen, I have always been fascinated by the Mormon church. I cannot speak for the rest of you guys. But I find this church and the and their adherence, an absolutely fascinating community. I read a lot about it. For those of you who may have seen Jon Krakauer wrote an unbelievable book called under the banner of heaven. Has anybody read that? It's an extra say, and it's riveting, and it discusses the formation and growth and kind of all the modern issues that the Mormon church had to navigate things like polygamy and domestic abuse, and racist allegations and all these things. And for whatever reason, the Mormon Church, now known as the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, persists, and at one point, just not that long ago actually was the fastest growing religion in the United States. Can you guys believe that? And it's true. So when Netflix produced this three part documentary, which is by the way, directed by Jared Hess, anybody know Jared Hess?

Jeff Dwoskin 9:34

Oh, yeah, Jared has been telling miliar Jared has

Ron Lippitt 9:37

wrote and directed Napoleon Dynamite. Oh, yeah. So Right. So I jumped on it because I knew it was gonna throw some kind of Mormon wrinkle into this that I hadn't heard about already. And I'm just fascinated by it, as I said, so and it turned out it absolutely. It's fascinating. So the story is centered on three bombings in Salt Lake City that happened in 1985, which killed a couple people injured a few more. And they were all around this circle of people who dealt in the collection of rare documents, and particularly documents from the 1800s, which shine a light on the forming of the Mormon Church and its founder, Joseph Smith. So brief history lesson the the Book of Mormon was supposedly transcribed by Joseph Smith from a magical golden series of plates that he dug up in his own backyard in upstate New York. And he was led to the exact spot by an angel named Verona. And fast forward to the 1980s. And the central figure in this documentary is this genius young document collector. And this is all true. By the way, Mark Hoffman, who unveils a series of documents that he's discovered, including one bombshell document that is nicknamed the salamander letter, and the salamander letter is, it's a it's a document that that were Joseph Smith's lead disciple reveals that there was no angel. In fact, Joseph Smith was led to the golden plates by a white salamander, and your head. So the salamander letter like rocks, very foundation of the church, as you might imagine, and all these old white Mormon leaders are scrambling, they're they're like, forced to defend, like the very foundation of the religion, after all, these documents that this mark Hoffman has discovered, are all independently verified to be authentic. And now that now the church has got to deal with all these people asking questions about the Book of Mormon and why a salamander was never mentioned. And, and then all of a sudden, these bombings common people start to believe that the church is starting to cover this thing up to handle this, you know, in a really different way, everybody's freaking out. And all the while Mark Hoffman, this genius, seemingly can find any rare document he wants. And they all want to know where he's getting all this. And it's not running the show for me to tell you what happened, because this is actually this is real, and you can look it up. The Mark Hoffman turns out was not a genius. Documents collector, rather, he turns out to be a genius forger, and he created all of this stuff. And literally everything he found was handcrafted by himself. And it turns out, the dude actually is a flat out psychopath murder. And that's, that is the epicenter of the story. So it is boiler. Well, it's not a spoiler because it's all it's all news. Yeah, it is an amazing story. And it is it takes a bunch of different turns, including the ending, which I didn't even tell you the complete ending, so I highly recommend it. It's fascinating. I find the Mormons continue to be fascinating. I hope you guys too. So it's four or five tomato sauce jars.

Jeff Dwoskin 12:55

I watched the first two. Did they have one of the one of the five keys disappearing? They had the Who's the one guy that's kind of like the whisper from Game of Thrones. Right? Really, but it's a but it is it is fascinating to me. Just like how much you know the cover up and all that kind of stuff. I mean, it'd be like if like I was I know that it wasn't a Three Wise Man. It was just some guy a chicken in a rooster. Yeah.

Ron Lippitt 13:23

Well, it's it's like, um, you know, and I don't know anything about the Mormons today, but I'll just say this. They're they are one of the most secretive societies in the world, right? They're they're very foundation on the way it's led. Even the physical church itself. You're not allowed in. You have to you have to actually have credentials to get physically into these churches. You have to have it have this guy blow it up with this with this authenticated letter is was an amazing story.

Zack Wiseman 13:49

I've two questions. One, how many episodes is this series? Well, the second question I'm sorry, how we What did you do with all of the combs from that Farber cup that you're drinking from? Isn't it? I was like lots of drinkers like Barbara.

Howard Rosner 14:08


Jeff Dwoskin 14:10

everyone. Great news everyone. Casey Ryan plot for those of you tuning in to crossing the streets for the first time Casey Ryan plot when he shows up which is most of the time we try and convince him to watch the shows. So getting a convinced from Casey Ryan plot is amazing.

Ron Lippitt 14:25

Appreciate the CRO check. Zack. It's three episodes three, I think I think each episode probably 4550 minutes.

Zack Wiseman 14:31

Yeah. Does it do that thing that some Netflix things do where they kind of stretch it out. It should be like a tight movie, and they pull it out to make actual episodes or does it? Does it keep you kind of engaged all the time?

Ron Lippitt 14:43

Yeah, well, I think it's a stretch it out. They could have made it a single documentary. But I will say this it is they go deep into the context of the church. What would allow something like this to blow it up the way it did? So it's kind of like a history lesson and a documentary. So that's why It was three episodes.

Jeff Dwoskin 15:02

Wow. It's a it was definitely definitely interesting. Definitely worth checking out. All right. Awesome. Ryan, you convinced Casey? It's this is it's a good day All right, thank you, Ryan Ryan always comes up with some of the greatest documentaries on any of the streaming services that was murder among the Mormons from Episode 16 of crossing the streams. And our final segment for this bonus episode, I'm going to talk about Val This is from Episode 36. It's a really cool documentary. And then Howard Rosner swoops in with a very similar documentary called Kid 90. So we bundle them both up into one segment for you enjoy.

This is a documentary called Val that I watched. I've been looking forward to this. And this is a valid documentary on Val Qmr, made by Val Kilmer. And so Val kemler, who I will say upfront, I love Elgin, I think I thought he was one. I think he's one of the great actors. I always enjoyed him no matter what he was in. And so this movie, so Val Kumar, had a video camera when people didn't have video cameras, you know, kind of like, he had the 500 pound video camera and he took it everywhere. So he happens to have been documenting his life along the way. And so this is his way of telling his story. So, one of the reasons he's saying the story and one of the touching things about it, he's doing this with his son, who for three quarters of the movie provides Val Kilmer his voice. So Val Kemmler, if you've seen photos of him of recent doesn't look like the Val Kilmer that we grew up knowing from Top Gun and all that kind of stuff. So he had cancer, he fought cancer, he survived the cancer, but it left him with two tracheotomy ease. And so the only way he can talk, literally, it was it was heartbreaking is it controls his breath, the air intake, and so the only way he can talk and I will not imitate it, but is that he pushes on it to stop the flow of air from breathing. And then he can push out words. So it's it's hard for him to communicate very hard. I don't want to say think Steve Hawking, but you know, along those lines, so a lot of the voices he clearly wrote that the narration and his son did it unless it was him in footage that he took. So he takes us through his childhood where he grew up. And he lived on this, this big area with this big house with his brothers and his mom and his dad and his brother was what probably would have been an amazing filmmaker. He was extremely creative. He's an artist, and had an epileptic seizure, athletic fit in a hot tub and drown when he was 15. I think 15. So there's actually movies and they show you where he has his his, his brothers are like in the scene, you know, it's a touching thing. So Val went to Juilliard, and he was to be an actor, and was like the youngest person ever admitted to Juilliard. And so he's got photos of all this. And it's interesting because I forgot to write down the name of the person that he eventually married and later divorced, who had his kids with but when he was shooting top secret in Paris or London, he went and saw play and fell in love with his woman in the play. And then years later, they ended up in the movie Willow together. And from there, they started dating, fell in love and got married. They just coincidentally ended up too out there. So he takes us through, like, when an early play, that he was supposed to be the lead in and then became the third lead because Sean Penn and Kevin Bacon, they were able to get them so he's got footage from them from, like, decades, decades ago, this stuff that would never exist, because no who had video cameras back then, you know, and takes us through all of his different movies and, and some of the feelings that he had during the movies. And it's it's really interesting kind of hearing his perspective. Alkyl Muller's reputation in Hollywood is that he was very difficult to work with, and all that kind of stuff, which may or may not be true. I mean, this didn't bring that but this brought his point of view to it. The one thing that is clear, regardless of the impression of it was is how passionate and true to the art of of acting was it was interesting because one of the scenes he is showing how because he had his video camera. He knew they were making a pocalypse now, so he would he filmed his own audition tapes and he like flew out and hand delivered it didn't get this We got the doors each shot himself is Jim Morrison he wanted you know, and then they they hired him as Jim Morrison they it's really interesting. I think we all probably seen the doors and how amazing shorts and that and but just how it he studied Jim Morrison and learned all his I think he actually sang in the movie too. But he and so just how he went through that entire process and you know and how a lot of this ultimately led to his divorce because it was just you know, you're always away and all that kind of stuff and the heartache of playing Batman and he called it like being in a soap opera because there was literally nothing he could do because he's in this restrictive suits. And they're in the real stars of the movie or Tommy Lee Jones and movie, Jim so horrible. Yeah, poor guy. But that one wasn't the worst.

They got worse after that. Joel Schumacher movie was was decent. And then I think it got worse after the crime of that movie was robbing Billy Dee Williams. Williams Billy Dee Williams of becoming two phase right? In the first two movies. Ah,

Howard Rosner 21:03

hey, Jeff, if I could I was gonna I was gonna save it for next week. But I if I could now because I think it makes sense here. I'll do a different one next week, interject with my bonus review for this week, because it's so very similar is kid 90 on Netflix, which is slay Moon fry, Punky Brewster, she did the same thing her entire life in Hollywood. She videotaped everything she did she also save all of her voicemails and all of her diaries. And she kept them locked away in boxes and never looked at them for what 30 plus years and just this last year on Earth, the mall and started going back and just like Val Kilmer, she was filming it during an era when there was no YouTube, no social media. So everybody she would interview which were all teen celebrities, just like her. They were, it was candid, because they weren't afraid of, you know, it was just their buddy slay doing it for her own thing. It's unbelievable to watch, like just hanging out in her basement like Brian Austin Green and just all these musicians that were big at the time. And it's it's a it's a little bit. It's a little bit, you know, I guess putting her life in perspective. Like, come on, you didn't realize that half of your friends were suicidal and on drugs, really. But it goes back through her career starting as Punky Brewster and then becoming adults, which I don't know if anybody remembers, but it was a big controversy when she decided to have breast reduction surgery. That was a huge deal. And then her trying to keep her career going as an adult's going to college. But the videos are amazing. And even better than that, are these voicemails that these people left for her? There's one thread that goes throughout the entire show is about her being a virgin, and then eventually losing her virginity and who she loses her virginity to was a you, Howard, it was not. It was not if you was healthy. If you watch, if you watch this, it's a great special. She's really really, she goes through, like all through her all the way through college, hanging out as part of skateboard culture in New York. It's great, very similar. It sounds like the Val and just looking back on our life. But the video tape footage is it's just pure. It was just raw footage that they edited for this special but nothing staged like it's just hanging out in a bathroom smoking cigarettes with with what's her name from Roseanne, the youngest daughter from Roseanne, you know, from Big Bang theory as well. Yeah. So yeah, I mean, it's, it's great when you watch Val take some time and watch kid 90 as well. Really, I

Jeff Dwoskin 24:01

was on Amazon and kid 90s on

Howard Rosner 24:04


Jeff Dwoskin 24:09

Oh, right. Our first twofer that was about and kid 90 both highly recommended. And that wraps up this bonus episode. We talked about those two and the cabin and murder among the Mormons. You've got a lot of reasons now to stay claim to your favorite part of the couch, cross your own streams until we meet again next Wednesday on the live show or right here on a bonus episode. Until then. I'm Jeff Dwoskin. And I'll see you next time.

CTS Announcer 24:41

Thanks for listening to this special edition of crossing the streams. Visit us on YouTube for full episodes and catch us live every Wednesday at 9:30pm Eastern time. Now turn this off and go watch some TV. And don't forget to tell your family You'll be busy for a while.

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