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#23 My Backyard is Hell with Movie Producer Stacey Toy

Join me as I sit down with Stacey Toy, COO of TwentyFiveEight Studios, as we dive deep into her fascinating career and explore the emotional highs and lows of producing movies during a pandemic

My guest, Stacey Toy, and I discuss:

  • Stacey Toy, COO of TwentyFiveEight Studios, discusses her successful career in the film industry
  • In-depth coverage of Stacey’s experience at the 2012 London Olympics
  • Insights into the making of her hit movie, 100 Acres of Hell
  • Discussion about producing movies during a pandemic and the challenges it brings
  • Stacey’s involvement with the View Askewniverse and her contributions to the popular franchise
  • Other exciting topics discussed during the episode

You’re going to love my conversation with Stacey Toy:

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Hashtag Fun: Jeff dives into recent trends and reads some of his favorite tweets from trending hashtags. The hashtag featured in this episode is #YelpReviewsInHell.

Social Media Tip: Jeff shares a really cool Instagram trick with the Instagram app’s latest release.  

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Announcer 0:00

Looking to sound like you know what's going on in the world social strategy, comedy and other funny stuff? Well join the club and settle in for the Jeff Dwoskin show. It's not the podcast we deserve. But the podcast we all need with your host, Jeff Dwoskin.

Jeff Dwoskin 0:18

All right, Dante, thank you so much for that amazing introduction. You get us going every week. And here we are. Welcome everyone to Episode 23 of the Jeff Dwoskin show. I'm Jeff Dwoskin. And Episode 2323 is a special number Ladies and gentlemen, have you ever just had to break a friend free from cellblock a 23. We all been there, right. And here's some weird things Charles Darwin's Origin of Species published in 1859, one plus eight plus five plus 9=23. There are 23 letters in the alphabet if you get rid of the ones that no one use, and my guest Stacey toy on her Instagram at Stacey toy has a link to a coupon for 23 and me 30% off 2323 23 it's all coming together the world ne ne ne the universe has brought us together for this special episode 23 of the Jeff Dwoskin show and those of you who do tune in Week after week after week after week, thank you very much for doing that. I appreciate it.

Make sure also you're liking and subscribing on your favorite podcast channel. But also follow on Twitter at hashtag Roundup, play the hashtag games so that your tweet can be this jar of a future episode of the Jeff Dwoskin show. Do that at hashtag Roundup. You'll love it. And of course you can follow the show at Jeff Dwoskin show on Twitter. And also check out of the goodness add Jeff is funny calm. All past episodes. Everything you need to know about the Jeff Dwoskin show at Jeff is check it out. This week's sponsor of the Jeff Dwoskin show are fly swatters. What's that buzz? Hey, sounds like you need a flyswatter gotta fly problem no problem get ahead of the problem with your very own flyswatter never has been easier to swat flies no more running around with a newspaper no more messy chemical sprays using the kitchen the living room during a debate the office the classroom anywhere flies her phone. That's right, fly swatters found conveniently everywhere and also at our secondary sponsor, the quick stop grocery convenience stores promising to have flyswatter is on hand for you. All right, we'll definitely get a flyswatter tell him Jeff Dwoskin sanshou it's important to support the sponsor.

If you love the show, love my sponsors, please tell them Jeff Dwoskin Sencha it helps keep the lights on and we've got lots of great guests coming up. We do we got Carl Gottlieb. He wrote the movie Jaws and co wrote the jerk with Steve Martin got bill Dwyer, hilarious comedian shared tons of stories with us. Kelly Maroney from Fast Times at ridgemont High and Night of the comment comment so many great shows coming up so many. And here's a recap from last week's episode with Aaron Cummings. I know you listen. But during that episode, we talked about the Detroit Coney dog wars that's Lafayette Coney Island versus American Coney Island. Aaron mentioned she was all in on American I mentioned I've been a Lafayette person my whole life. Well, after the show, American Coney Island reached out to me grace and she sent me an American Coney kit and I made those coneys Oh, I made them and I'm gonna post a picture. It'll be at Jeff Dwoskin show you check it out. But I got that Coney kit and I made them and I ate them and they were so delicious. So I'm officially converted to American Coney Island. Thank you grace. It was amazing. Everyone check out at American Coney Island. I'll put a link in the show notes. Get your own Coney kit. This is just a mention out of love. They did not pay me to say this. This is pure love. All right. Thank you very much.

All right. It's time for the social media tip. All right, I got one for you this week. It's pretty cool. Instagram, it's not so much a tip. It's more of just stuff. Really fun thing. Make sure you have the most recent version of Instagram downloaded on your phone. Then you just go to settings and you just kind of scroll down you push down. And so they like little stars start showing up and then you have all the different icons from when Instagram used to have a good icon you know the old camera and stuff so you can change your icon on your phone. Nothing mind blowing, but I thought it was super cool. And the first thought I had was I'm going to share that on the Jeff Dwoskin show. And here we are. That's the social media tune.

And now it's time for my guest Stacey toy. She's been in the broadcasting industry for over a 11 years and then redefined Hollywood and is making movies and we're going to talk all about it. Here's my conversation with Stacey toy. We are here with the CEO of 25. Eight studios, Stacey toys. You see what her counter that show? How are you?

Stacey Toy 5:19

Great. Thanks for having me.

Jeff Dwoskin 5:21

Oh my god, it's so great to have you. Here. See, you've got a pretty cool background. That's You got it. I knew a movie that's just finished 100 acres of how it's it's out. It's on Amazon right

Stacey Toy 5:35

now on Amazon, VUDU. iTunes on demand. It's all over the place. It's on like 32 platforms. Yeah. And played last couple weeks ago at in Times Square in New York City on the largest screen in the country.

Jeff Dwoskin 5:48

That is pretty cool. That is pretty cool. So you have the many acres of how you feel good. This movie focuses on that specific 100 acres. How did you pick those hundred acres? Well, I

Stacey Toy 5:58

mean, it was like 7000 miles of hell. And not with the people. I mean, it was fun. And it was just I don't know, it was a huge learning process for me, because I got hired on the film too, as a PR person. So I just left the news, live news broadcasting industry after like, 11 years, and I was trying to go out on my own. And so I got hired to do public relations, because I that's the route I thought I was gonna go. And after I have a natural curiosity, I just got a lot of questions. Sometimes I just like to know how stuff works, because I figure if I'm gonna be there might as well not waste time because it's like, what are you doing? After all the questioning and stuff it it led to some people being let go, and then they came to me. And we're like, we run the whole production set. And I'm like, you know, this is my first week on a film set. Like, I was very, very clear with that. And they're like, No, we know. But you know, we've been in the industry for like, 26 years.

And obviously, your questions like found a lot of stuff to come up. So we trust you and we'll work together. And so I was like, Okay, well, I have an opportunity. And I figured if I screwed it up, then producing wasn't for me. In the meantime, that was five years ago. So the film just came out in October at the end of October for Halloween. And we got distribution and all that jazz. And it's still doing really well. It's making like top 10 list. It was on like the number five YouTube picks at one point. And it was also top 10 Brit flicks over in Britain. And so it splits all over the world. And it's actually doing really well so and everybody still likes each other that work together. Which is impressive, too. Because when you're in a film set for like 21 hours a day for like weeks on end, usually you hate each other, but we just get to the point of delirium and just start laughing. So

Jeff Dwoskin 7:34

that's great. That's great. And I guess yeah, the timing would be good with the pandemic, but with everyone having to stream

Stacey Toy 7:43

Yeah, hey,

Jeff Dwoskin 7:44

well, you know, where it worked out 400 acres of hell

Stacey Toy 7:47

and half of it at my house on my property here in northeast Pennsylvania in the Pocono Mountains. It was really cool. One of the locations like a few times the locations just didn't work out, like the night before. Like we literally had less than 12 hours. And we're like, oh, no, the locations gone because of one thing or another. And so I was like, well, I you know, my family has, like, you know, 30 acres up here. Do you want to come up here? And it was like, Yeah, so the whole, the whole team came up. It was pretty cool. It was interesting. My parents were like, Okay, well, I mean, they were the ones who taught me when I was a kid, like cuz we grew up on a farm with you know, not much and they're like, you know, nobody's gonna come and knock on your door here in the rural parts of Pennsylvania. So you got to go out and get it and so to bring the whole production crew back with the celebrities and everything else and have them sitting in my living room and talking to my dad scratching the dog is like, Oh, you know, full circle moment.

Jeff Dwoskin 8:36

And your house is now officially 30 acres of the hundred acres. There you go.

Stacey Toy 8:43

I can't I the other 70 I might want to just forget about I don't know.

Jeff Dwoskin 8:48

So as the film grows and grows and grows in popularity, your house will be tourist attraction. And yeah, we have 30 of the hundred acres of house the state's a toy residence.

Stacey Toy 9:01

I have had a few like friends come and say, Can you take me back? Um, can you can't see it from the road or anything. But so we take them, I take them back and like and this is where the cam scene was. And this is where we're driving through. And then oh, you remember this old truck? And that's where they're shooting the guns off. And it said that Oh, I know this place. Oh, I know, this place just in my dad, my mom get a kick out of it too. Because I mean, yeah, hollywood never comes to this part of the area. Clearly nothing does.

Jeff Dwoskin 9:26

So that's cool. You could do tours, then you could Why not?

Stacey Toy 9:30

Isn't it never a privacy?

During COVID it was the most amazing place and everybody I was like, you know all the people that have told me that I had to leave and go to the big cities and stuff. I'm glad I did all that and we do have affiliate offices now our main offices in Scranton in the Poconos in Pennsylvania, but we have affiliate offices in Los Angeles, Atlanta, Orlando, in London, so to be home during COVID and still having all of the offices and stuff built up and everybody still have the ability to work. It was Really cool. So I was always like taking zoom calls in my on my back porch and you can see the pond behind me and I'm like, yep, life's good here. If you want to come over you could social distance.

Jeff Dwoskin 10:12

Social distancing and how it sounds great. It sounds great. Grand Scranton, Pennsylvania. That's, that's one of the obvious but when I think of Scranton, Pennsylvania, I like not to date myself. But I like I think of the Harry shapen song. thousand

Stacey Toy 10:27

thousand pounds.

That's funny. Nobody has ever has made that reference in any of my interviews. Yeah, I'm impressed, man. Good job.

Jeff Dwoskin 10:38

I like to go that I did look for the other edges.

Stacey Toy 10:41

No, it's good. And they also put a documentary on reels that that channel reels on Gloria Stefan breaking her back in Scranton in an accident, because the hopeless like got into a big crash, I guess in the in the late 80s or something, or early 90s. And it was a big deal. And so they made a huge a whole documentary on it. So that's our claim to fame right now.

Jeff Dwoskin 11:01

That's pretty cool. That's

Stacey Toy 11:03

because this is the home of Hillary Rodham Clinton and Joe Biden. And ironically, Joe Biden grew up on the same street as the exorcise the priest from the exorcist. So I mean,

Jeff Dwoskin 11:12

right away, that's that, that can't be a coincidence. Okay, let's see what else. So tell me I this is interesting. So tell me about your London 2012 Olympics. Experience. Tell me about that. You covered the Olympics. I used to be a generalist journalist, right.

Stacey Toy 11:31

I used to be in the broadcasting news industry. I did go to school to be an honor reporter. And I did do some reporting early on in my early 20s. But then I fell in love with behind the scenes and live news directing, but going to the Olympics, I was doing a lot of behind the scenes stuff. That's what I was hired to do in production. So whether and it's funny, because they have this joke. They always say there's no broads in broadcasting, it's kind of like an old thing. So I always like to not complain, and bitch and do all the stuff that most women do when you're working in pulling cables and in the dirt and in the rain. And I think that stuff's fun, because again, I grew up on a farm. So like, I'm used to this stuff. This is my territory. In the Olympics, too. It's the one thing that nobody tells you is that everybody from all around the world is coming to one place, which means they're bringing all of their parasites and all of their germs and stuff with you. So in the midst of me trying to not be just abroad, and broadcasting, I did get cut real bad on my knee and Easter duct tape over it and kept going, didn't they? But when I came home, we started to get a rash all over my body and come it was like a flushing parasite that came. And so yeah, there's a lot of fun stuff, a lot of my friends, they ended up with different things like scabies and parasites and different kinds of stuff. And so I did a little bit to once I was really, really scared to death to be honest with you, when I when I did it, because working in the news industry, terrorists come from like Oxford and Cambridge for tweens, they don't have to get on a plane to do anything. If you walked down the street, and they like to target media, obviously, we have giant semi trucks at that, you know, I was the majority of the stuff I did was down in more towards a on the English Channel for the sailing part of the Olympics. But it was still it was still super cool and interesting and whatnot. But there's downfalls to all that stuff, too. But it was fun. It was here with the best of the best in the whole world. They did ask me to come back and do some stuff with in Brazil and then in Russia. But I was cool at that point. And even just going to London was a big step for me because my husband passed away. I was 20. I was 28 years old, my husband passed away. So he had died not even a full year after right before the Olympics happened. He died on Tuesday on Veterans Day in 2011. So I had two kids, two, they were six and four years old. The whole idea was awesome that I was going to be able to go but again, I didn't want to put myself into a situation that they were going to lose two parents or do something like that. Because my kids obviously men ever, like they do mean everything to me, but they just lost their dad and they're just little kids. So my oldest at the time, he was just turned seven. And I said I didn't know if I was going to go and he goes my friend's parents always said they could have done this and they could have done that. But I want to say that my mom did do this. And I was like, okay, so I was like a good kid. I'm like, okay, you know, cuz he's like, I want you to go and I want a T shirt. So

Jeff Dwoskin 14:26

he's like, I want a T shirt. So

Stacey Toy 14:30

I was over there. And you know, it was it was cool. But you know, it's really funny how the things that you do or say or act and then your kids pick up on stuff like that. And they always saw me kind of inspiring other people and especially trying to help my husband because he died of he had PTSD and depression and he died from an accidental heroin overdose. It was like after being in the Navy and all that stuff. Like there's a lot of stuff and you think that you're like being a bad parent and you got to let people down and you got to do this. There was just a lot coming at me at that time at once. And so it was kind of it was a breath of fresh air and it was really cool to be in The best of the best and broadcasting in that moment, but then it sucked because Murphy's law should be my middle name when I came home and I got a flesh eating parasite, but we got over it, so we're good.

We're good. I'm fully you know, it's not coming back.

Jeff Dwoskin 15:14

That's good. Well, I'm glad you survived the flesh eating parasite. You didn't paint it very good. Yeah, you made it sound like it's a shock that a pandemic took this long,

Stacey Toy 15:25

ma'am, especially judging the Olympics and like you saw like how in Brazil they were doing all the news coverage about how the oceans are so polluted and the water sources down there were so polluted with stuff and I mean, I've been to Haiti I did. I've gone to a bunch of third world countries to film and I've seen an awful awful lot of things. I mean, this took us down Really?

Jeff Dwoskin 15:47

You think it would be like they put so much time and energy and to cleaning the area right and building it up? And like because they have to like meet some standards. You can't just throw up it on Olympics.

Stacey Toy 15:58

Oh, no. Yeah, it takes years and years and it was in London was the same way but Meredith Vieira she was the one from the view. He ended up putting her hand in the tabs and had a cut on it and she got the same flushing parasite as I did you can look that up if I'm gonna get one get the same one as the celebrity right cuz right Right,

Jeff Dwoskin 16:18

right. Oh, the best people are getting but

Stacey Toy 16:24

I really am. I'm truly grateful for the experience but one and done man. I'm good. I saw it. I'm good.

Jeff Dwoskin 16:30

Did you give me any any cool athletes? Are you into taking pictures with like folks like that like, or is it like you see so many You don't?

Stacey Toy 16:38

mind? Damn, I see so many that like I'm friends with a lot of celebrities. I mean, I my roommate out in LA is the lead actress from clerks. Veronica Marilyn Gagliardi. Yes. And my other business partners, Ernie O'Donnell from clerks, Rick daris, and Chasing Amy in Jersey girl and all that stuff. And obviously we were different Kevin Smith's and the fuse universe and comic book men and I mean, yeah, I've been working with a whole bunch of celebrities and stuff now. So you do realize that they're just like you. They should just like you. In fact, a lot of them worse, especially on hundred acres of hell, because there's big huge wrestlers. And like Jean, I love jeans. netsky. He's a WWE superstar. He's also the star from 100 acres of hell, but filming. He was he was doing his protein intakes. And like, I know earlier, Donald's talked about being stuck in the car filming with the windows up and it being hot. And then gene let's one of these protein farts rip, man. Like. Like, it's just again, you see this side of stuff. And to me it's funny. If you can't laugh at a fart joke, then like, I don't want to be your friend.

Jeff Dwoskin 17:39

They're the best jokes me.

Stacey Toy 17:42

I know. And you know, and I went to Oxford and Harvard, Amazon Parliament all that crap too. So don't think it's like oh, snooty today. No, like, That's funny. It is funny. I mean, in the right time, of course, like I never tell for joking parliament. Well, maybe depending on you know, the situation and we'll see.

Jeff Dwoskin 17:58

I did not go to Harvard. I did not go to Oxford. I use an Oxford comma. Once I do that. I was just one. always tell me about. I did Kevin Smith. He says so what what have you done? You've been uncommon book, man. I saw that. So what what have you done in that world?

Stacey Toy 18:17

Well, like I said, I live with Maryland. I don't Halloran lives about 1015 minutes away from me. I've you know, worked with him conventions around the area over the last like six or seven years. Ernie, I were doing a lot of stuff with Ernie O'Donnell coming up and some different things with the view. And for the views q universe, I can't really discuss

Jeff Dwoskin 18:35

secret top secret. We'll cover that in a future episode. Yes, of course.

Stacey Toy 18:41

And I'm not going to keep secrets.

Jeff Dwoskin 18:44

As long as there's not another Jay and Silent Bob reboot, I think we'll be okay.

Stacey Toy 18:50

But no, they have a lot of stuff in store. There's a lot of stuff coming up in the next few months. And clearly Ernie has been building this mod castle in New Jersey, which is going to become an event space, where then they're going to podcasting and you know, different events, live events, with Kevin and stuff like that, and that it's in New Jersey. And you can find that and their updates and see all the stuff that they're doing inside and have Ernie tell you and teach you all that stuff on YouTube. And that's in Kevin Oh, he shares all that stuff, too, to see the updates on that. So that I know is exciting. And you can see the updates online with all that stuff. But the other stuff, you'll find out the end of the year and it'll be so freakin cool. You'll be so excited. I can't

Jeff Dwoskin 19:26

wait but the clock starts now. You heard it here. verison The Jeff Dwoskin show you're ready for that I've come up with

Stacey Toy 19:34

here but you know, you got to take that with a grain of salt too, because the elections coming up, which means probably well, and people obviously invested into the vaccine for COVID which is supposed to come out in like November. So like

Jeff Dwoskin 19:47

before the election.

Stacey Toy 19:48

Yeah, I'm just gonna predict that there's another wave of COVID probably just to make it coincide. I don't know. That's just there's a lot going on with all that stuff. So is that stuff doesn't work. Timing up because anything could at this point when it comes to that stuff, then we'll see. Because filming right now sucks. You have to take COVID tests, the union requires them three days before even being on set, which is like a very strange thing, especially when it takes usually five to seven days to get them back. But that's the rules. A lot of people are just putting getting put together in pods or separate rooms or holding areas, a lot more that goes into it. Now, even just scripts, I know you're not allowed to have the same use the same script twice. So people read a script, you probably have to drop off 50 copies now, which again, is all money coming out of the budget, and you got to pay for COVID test now and all that kind of stuff. So a lot of stuff gets thrown wrenches in the works because more money and you need this and you weren't really planning for that. So let's see.

Jeff Dwoskin 20:47

My only view askew connection is I and I talked about this in another episode, but like they were starting to film movies in Michigan with because they had these incentives. And Jason Hughes had a movie and so I went and so they had all the local comics go in. I know you didn't mention Jason but but it's the closest I got and like, I don't think they ever made the movie or anything. And I had no idea what I was doing. It was it was the worst experience ever. I didn't even sign the release because God forbid they had that footage of me screwing up there was the worst and I got a call back. And like I went in, like originally with was like, I guess like this guy who wears like a sweater and was kind of like, had some swag to them. And then I get a call back. We want you to come back. I'm like what? It was the worst. They're like nerdy TSA agent, right? And I'm like, What? My wife's laugh at me, but then laugh even harder when I opened it to read it and it said super nerdy. TSA was like, I'm not doing this. And I went, hey, you could tell they were trying to get something out of me. But I had no idea what to do. I'd never even done anything. Like I actually read the script in an earlier episode. I found it I found the actual script. Nice. That's all I got.

Stacey Toy 21:53

It's funny because um, I remember just the one time mean Ernie a gentle we're driving down in Los Angeles. It was we were just driving maybe a year or two ago Jamie is was was with his daughter walking down the street and he just stopped real quick. He's like, oh, and then JB is just like pops his head in and stuff. I mean, all those guys are super cool. But definitely the comic book man. I love them the most Mike's apsic and Ming Chen are the best. I actually went to meet with Ernie O'Donnell and Mike's apsic. I saw Walt Flanagan and all them because I spent my 37th birthday and the one place where 37 means something and that was and get the stash with my friends. And they took me out to lunch and 37 is a reference to clerks. That so it was so cool. Then my roommate, Marilyn Gagliardi, the one who's who, who's known for the actual line for 37, the reason for the 37 and she sent me like a special 37 birthday meme that she made for me. And I posted it all on Facebook and stuff because I'm like, this is so cool. Like, these are the people who taught me how to curse when I was a kid. I remember going over my friend's house, and we were watching clerics, like on a VHS tape when I was like 12. In the basement. It was so funny. So I'm like, Oh my gosh, the people who taught me how to curse are now the ones that I'm like living with working with. And it's so funny, because I don't know, life's got a crazy way of coming around, man.

Jeff Dwoskin 23:13

That's awesome. My brother in law has a clerk's poster in his office. It's signed by I think most of the cast. So it's pretty.

Stacey Toy 23:21

I have a script in original script. And the cast signed it for me. They gave it to me like three or four years ago. And now it's like on my wall in the office. We had a special thing made up for it because it's all them and I told them to sign they hadn't put my name on it because they were all like Oh, you're not supposed to put your name on things like this a sign like I'm not selling this. Are you kidding me?

Jeff Dwoskin 23:39

Right, right, right. That's the second day right to Stacy. Forget it.

Stacey Toy 23:44

It goes down like you know,

Jeff Dwoskin 23:46

it's worthless. Yeah, unless you can sell it to Stacey. That also spells their name with an E.

Stacey Toy 23:51

Like, I figured the point I am not going to sell this because these are my friends. But if my kids want to everybody's probably going to be dead so maybe then I'll be worth something I don't know.

Jeff Dwoskin 24:03

That's funny so and a quick autograph lesson there. What else we got? What else? What a we're gonna add now any any big any movies in your backyard you're filming now?

Stacey Toy 24:13

Surprisingly, we've been slowly working on a documentary with he's been dubbed the future of blues Clarence Beatty's Grammy nominated blues artist. For the last 35 or four years. He's played guitar with everybody from BB King to Eric Clapton. He's to open up for the supreme temptations, you know, played unbelievable, but he was also a heroin addict for most of his career, like 3540 years, and he ended up losing his son last year to an overdose. So then he got himself clean, and so he's been clean now for a long time, but he's getting his career back and we're just telling a story just because of the opioid epidemic. Clearly I have a background with that as well. Being an expert. I was a huge opioid addict. I was taking between 70 and 100 vikane in a day, back then, it was a lot ball from the tap. It was very difficult. But I'll be cleaned 17 years standing next month, so kudos years later, because it wasn't on Facebook though it doesn't have the same weren't that bad cuz like, Yeah, but anyways, um, and besides that in a week or a week and a half or so we're gonna be filming with Heidi Jermaine chinnappa, who's one of my best friends. She is lead stunt double for Jamie Alexander on blind spot. She's been on shows as a stunt woman like the lead stuff on like Blue Bloods blacklist oranges, new black Walking Dead, she's done everything. And so she lives in the Poconos here too. And so we're all getting together. We have seen COVID tests clearly because the union and we're gonna film hopefully, if everyone passes the following few days after that, so I'm excited to kind of start to finally get back to normal, if you will. I said air quotes normal, just because who knows what that's going to be like, I know they're not going to have 300 people on a set anymore. That's just those days are gone. For a while, at least,

Jeff Dwoskin 25:59

you're like, This is nothing. I went to London and I got a flesh eating virus. I don't know.

Stacey Toy 26:06

armoring kidding me, like, memories are like my parents fighting it on if I should get a tetanus shot, and because they don't remember the last time I did and the horse bit me and I walked headfirst into the electric fence and the ghost ate all my clothes. I mean, ah, God, I just low I didn't even see the oceans. I was 15 years old. So you have to like feed the animals on Christmas, you know, when you open your presence, and it's like, it's just that it just doesn't have the same effect. You know, it's like most people, but it's like, oh, yeah, it's so great to have all this stuff. And then yet it's work. So I just have a little Yorkie right now that's it, not even a goldfish. I can't.

Jeff Dwoskin 26:45

I have a Maltese.

Stacey Toy 26:46

I love that there's fun. My kids had last year we did chickens and stuff. But they quickly saw how roosters get real nasty. And so this year, we decided not to


Jeff Dwoskin 27:00

You can't trust a rooster.

Stacey Toy 27:01

Or the new way of doing math. You can't trust either of those things.

Jeff Dwoskin 27:04

No, no. And what's wrong with the old math? Right?

Stacey Toy 27:08

Oh, right. And why can't they teach kids how to do taxes? Like that's something that they should know.

Jeff Dwoskin 27:14

Let them use a calculator. I mean, it's like

Stacey Toy 27:16

math, not like this, you know, as big as like your head because you're gonna have to do all that special stuff that like trigonometry that I've never used. And the probability and statistics like I'm sure I probably statistically use all that stuff. But I doubt I do. Because nine times out of 10 a lot of my decisions aren't always the best two things, I think I have a good gut feeling. And then you know, I usually end up getting screwed over in the end or whatever. But that's becoming less and less and less as time goes on. Because I am starting to learn so I guess with age comes more wisdom.

Jeff Dwoskin 27:47

Yes, more wisdom? For sure. So do you I know you produce a lot acting Do you? I know you've shown up in places as yourself. How do you balance that? Do you do Do you like to act

Stacey Toy 27:57

I hate being on like the TV and all that stuff. But I'm never be the star of something. So like even in comic book, man, people obey Him and stuff like I'm in the audience. I mean, I'm with other people, I was an extra on there filming. That is not my forte being a producer is because I'm not creative. When it comes to like the creative stuff. I'm creative business more on the business things. I learn how things work. And then like I find the loopholes. And then I find out how you could do this or do this like and then I'm always the one on the phones with the attorneys all the time and making sure that the insurances are up contracts are together, and the travel arrangements are put there and making sure people eat on time, or everybody's having to save time on set. I'm the mom, that sort of is a mother basically, for the entire crew. If something goes wrong, you got to make the calls to fix it. ABCD and E in your back of your mind because you're going to go through all of them. And a whole nother alphabet. Before everything finally gets done. It's fun. And it's exciting to do you hate certain points. But yeah, jack of all trades, master of none. That's for sure.

Jeff Dwoskin 29:02

You do everything that nobody appreciates, until after that, although the little nitpicky details, although the details like why am I and then later it's like, okay,

Stacey Toy 29:13

I don't even know like half the stuff that I do too, because you just have to do it. And that's your role as a producer, and they're not in the room or in whatever. But that's okay. The main goal is to get it to where it needs to be. And that's why producers make a lot of money to doing it because it's a tough job. And you got to keep your eyes out and open and for everything at every point in time, because everything's a liability. If somebody gets hurt, then you don't want anybody to sue you and you don't want them to be hurt. You have to fix it. There's just all that fun stuff in it. But if you keep eyes and ears open all the time, then hopefully you don't have to worry about that stuff. And you can kind of enjoy what you do.

Jeff Dwoskin 29:50

Right and if he asked enough questions, just one day you can be a producer just like Stacey toy.

Stacey Toy 29:54

Yeah, and if you do that's awesome. really seriously, it is awesome because I have no idea how in the hell Like, I did not plan this at all. Trust me, I didn't even know what a producer was my business partner now Mark Tannenbaum, he worked out in Los Angeles, he was on production on the first two seasons of like Sons of Anarchy house. 24, elementary scrubs, like all these huge shows and movies, and he came back here and started 25 eight studios, which is what I'm the CEO of now. And producer at, for the last five to 25. Eight studios has been in existence for 10 years as of last month. Yeah, I'm really excited. But we all kind of got together because everybody from around here said that we had to leave and so we all left, but it's like, let's come back and build something so that we have it here now and other people can learn from us. And we can do what we love and still be home in the same place that we love to live in and be with around our families and things like that. So

Jeff Dwoskin 30:46

that's great. Yeah, I agree. Yeah, everyone, just bring it back to Scranton, Pennsylvania,

Stacey Toy 30:52


Jeff Dwoskin 30:54

Thanks for hanging with me. This was fun. I appreciate it.

Stacey Toy 30:57

I appreciate you having me.

Jeff Dwoskin 30:59

Yeah, man. How can people keep up 25? Eight have a website? Would you do a Twitter gram? Do you guy what do you got?

Stacey Toy 31:08

We don't do Twitter that much. Like I don't know, I just can't get into it. But yes, 25, eight studios, calm the numbers. 258 is our website. And you can find us at and spelled out 25 eight Studios on Instagram and Facebook, and I'm at Stacey toy on Instagram, Facebook and LinkedIn. And that's sta c Ei, try if you miss the E, then my cousin will get it on the other side of the country. And I won't get it for six months. So Haha, I love you. But it's like that's just how I work. So don't forget the E.

Jeff Dwoskin 31:41

I'll put it on the show notes. And all you have to do is click everybody just click and I'll work with you. To help you with that Twitter stuff. I will thank you very much. I appreciate you spending time with me. And we'll have you back again to reveal the big view askew thing that you're working on bringing the entire cast of clerks

Stacey Toy 31:59

feel on here for you. You know,

Jeff Dwoskin 32:01

he's just committed to the entire cast of clerks that we're gonna look forward to that.

Stacey Toy 32:05

My face

Jeff Dwoskin 32:08

Thank you so much. All right. That was so fun. Stacey toy is so awesome. I can't thank her enough for joining me just shows you everybody be curious be great. Ask a lot of questions and things will open up for you. Stacy is making things happen. Check out her movie hundred acres a hell streaming everywhere. Check it out. You got to do anything. I mean, when you bump into her one day, you'll be like, Hey, hey, I saw that movie shot in your backyard. That was so cool. And then you'll be like best buds. It'll be great. It'll be great. You know what else is great all these hashtags from hashtag Roundup. As a follow add hashtag roundup play the games in one of your tweets might show up on the Jeff Dwoskin show. Okay, pick the hashtag that was relevant for today's conversation hashtag Yelp reviews in hell. These are Yelp reviews of hell not specifically the hundred acres of hell that Stacy focused on in her movie this is just general Yelp reviews one might have made while in hell part of the hashtag your it game on hashtag Roundup. All right, you ready? Hashtag Yelp reviews in hell. Wait a minute. The devil wasn't Gucci not Prada. When they said you'd see everyone from DC I thought they meant the comics. You don't like politics? Yo hated here. So many congressmen Ah, that's a Yelp review. I would not have expected a snowball doesn't have a chance here. Again hashtag Yelp reviews in hell one star everything's hot except the coffee only water and the ice machine one star. The kids are actually really well behaved not like Denny's or I have alright finally an upside to hell positive review. I give hell 4.5 stars they need to quit playing Highway to Hell every 10 minutes to get me back to a five oh boy. The lava shower burnt my skin off highly don't recommend it. One star the proprietor is mean is hell. Of course. It's the devil. All right. Well, those are some Yelp reviews and how pretty pretty much what I would have expected. All right.

And as always, you can find these tweets retweeted at @JeffDwoskinShow (on twitter) and also listed in the notes follow these funny tweeters and give them a retweet as well show them you love them say congrats for making it on the Jeff Dwoskin show.

Oh my goodness, I can't believe we're at the end of another episode. Thank you for joining me for Episode 23 of the Jeff Dwoskin show. It was great having you It was great having Stacey toy please subscribe and like your favorite podcast plays amazon music, Apple podcasts, Spotify, whatever is your thing. I'm not here to judge you. I'm just asking pleading. Please do it. Tell your friends. Well and your family whoever's standing right next to you right now just go excuse me, have you even if you're on the bus, just go Excuse me, I noticed you might need something to do. Perhaps you should check out the Jeff Dwoskin show. I think you'll enjoy it. I do. Anyway, that's your script, you can adjust the script as you feel fit. Anyway, that's it. Thank you for joining us. We'll see you next week and 23 Skidoo.

Announcer 35:24

Thanks so much for listening to this episode of the Jeff Dwoskin show with your host, Jeff Dwoskin. Now go repeat everything you've heard and sound like a genius. catch us online at the Jeff Dwoskin or follow us on Twitter at Jeff Dwoskin show and we'll see you next time.

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